Version 12.8


Staff member
The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs. Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage. In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision. The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always). If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change. This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested. Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link. Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason. If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report. While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general. Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating". Never use them when describing a bug/feature. Ever. Thanks. The abridged revision logs follow.

Revision: 6589
Adds Trophy Arranger feature to the Tools menu.

Revision: 6590
Fix recipe for square sponge pants

Revision: 6591
The Crimbo Cafe is open.
Add new Crimbo items, effects, skills, recipes.

Revision: 6592
Add Crimbo monsters

Revision: 6593
fat stacks of cash is now a solo-use combat item. Fix comment typo

Revision: 6594
Makes a LOT more of mafia's already-calculated modifier values actually
visible to the user, in the form of a popup that is activated by clicking on
the modifier display. Players can now tell at a glance what their elemental
their current equipment, and much more.
Also fixed a couple of incorrect fumble modifiers, that were revealed by this

Revision: 6595
Adds ASH overdrink() function; like the CLI version, it bypasses all warnings
about overdrinking with adventures remaining, or inability to cast Ode.
Adds version of to_location() that takes an int instead of a string. Not all
locations can be specified that way, but the ones that can't generally
Fixed usage string for hiddencity CLI command.

Revision: 6596
Finish enabling Crimbo Cafe. Improve log message for visiting any cafe.
Fix inebriety data of mutagin 'n' tonic

Revision: 6597
Item creation panels in the Item Manager now create all selected items, not
just the first.
Note the number of online players at login, so that the user has some idea of
how laggy this session is going to be.
Add Disembodied Hand to the list of useful Basement familiars; it can hold a
+stat% weapon for you.
Add "refresh campground" option to CLI, in case that's the one thing that
needs refreshing (it would otherwise require a "refresh all").
When refreshing, don't display the item being refreshed if that would be the
complete inventory list, or something equally large.

Revision: 6598
Add new Crimbo familiar

Revision: 6599
In the Shade tells you how many seed packets and how much slime you have.
If you successfully plant seeds, deduct consumables from inventory.

Revision: 6600
Properly summons a s'n's sword when the first sticker is used. Note that
this sticker will end up in slot 1, no matter where you were trying to put it
- that's just the way the summoning works.
Makes the estimated number of sticker turns remaining visible in the Gear
Adds a "stickers <st1>, <st2>, <st3>" command to the CLI, which applies
stickers in currently empty slots only. This is intended for use as the
command of an unconditional mood trigger; for example, "stickers wrestler,
wrestler, wrestler" will keep your stats maximized as stickers wear out.

Revision: 6601
Give approprate defaults for new choice adventures.
Mutagin 'n' tonic has a level requirement of 5.
Fix prices of Crimbo Cafe items.
LARP membership card gives a 10% discount on items from Chez Snootee, Gnomish
Micromicrobrewery, Hell's Kitchen, and the Crimbo Cafe. It is known to work
from inventory and the closet. If you have one in storage and are out of Ronin,
KoLmafia will pull it the first time it checks prices.

Revision: 6602
Fix ascension history parsing for clan snapshots.

Revision: 6603
Arena parameters for Pair of Ragged Claws.
Add experimental "call" feature to ASH to invoke a function whose name is
determined at runtime, not parse time.

Revision: 6604
Adds a mechanism for indicating that certain monsters in combats.txt only
appear during odd- or even-numbered ascensions: an "o" or "e" in front of the
appearance weight. With this extra data, the displayed encounter frequencies
are much more accurate in the Hole in the Sky, and somewhat more accurate in
the Haunted Pantry (due to the [overdone] meat blob).
Version number of combats.txt was NOT changed - the extra character is
ignored by previous versions of mafia.

Revision: 6605
Don't remove consumption helpers twice when used through the Relay Browser.
Don't remove spice melange twice, regardless of how you use it.

Revision: 6606
Do not be so aggressive in resetting "last item used". Do so only when a new
"use item" request is detected. This should fix restoring your old familiar
after using the black market map automatically makes and uses the blackbird.
Fix missing use links for acquiring an abridged dictionary (to the untinker) or
a dictionary (to the chasm).
If you find any of (spooky temple map, spooky sapling, spooky fertilizer), give
a use link to the map if and only if you now have all three items.
If you find any of (black market map, broken wings, sunken eyes), give a use
link to the map if and only if you now have all three items.

Revision: 6607
Updates sidepane immediately when muscle sign MCD is changed.

Revision: 6608
Fixes recognition of accessories & familiar equipment due to a server-side
Use magical Ajax request to load only the current equipment whenever that
needs to be refreshed, rather than loading the full page of inventory.
And most importantly of all: display the Elves vs. Penguins score at login!

Revision: 6609
Adds a couple of effects that can be cleared by Disco [Power] Nap.
Avoids infinite recursion if the current mood has a gain_effect action
starting with "shrug" or "remedy" (previously, only "uneffect" had the
necessary special-casing).
Adds the new starting class skills Clobber, Toss, Sing, and Suckerpunch.
Note that you have to visit the main map in the relay browser (or outside of
mafia) to learn these on your current ascension.

Revision: 6610
Add new mutant combat skills.

Revision: 6611
Using a Soft Green Whatever no longer says "Effect removed." Therefore, KoLmafia
didn't think it succeeded in removing effects. Change heuristic: assume effect
The parasitic claw does not have an autsell price.
Add outfit ID for the Mutant Couture

Revision: 6612
All four corners of the Wine Cellar now have the appropriate bounty, not just
Wine Cellar (automatic)

Revision: 6613
Avoid string index exception if the results of a PvP attack can't be parsed
(probably due to an ineligible target).

Revision: 6614
Terrifying Clown Suit now has a proper outfit ID: #10.
Arrrbor Day Aparrrrrel confirmed as outfit #48.

Revision: 6615
Allows the use of many of the new chat commands from KoLmafia's internal
chat, IF the relay browser isn't running. (They aren't safe to use if
there's any possibility of relay browser chat also being active, as the
commands would get executed twice.) "/go" doesn't work.

Revision: 6616
Support for burrowgrub hive:
- it can be used once a day
- it is a breakfast item. Yum!
- You can use Consume Burrowgrub in combat 3 times a day. At the moment, we only
track usages; we do not limit attempted usages in CCS, for example, based on
whether you've used your hive or on how many times you've used the skill.

Revision: 6617
Adds the ability to filter by quantity in most filtered lists. The syntax
is: '#', followed by any combination of '<', '=', and '>', followed by a
non-negative integer (possibly containing commas). This can go either before
or after the text being searched for, if any.
Also, another attempt at making the filter fields look like proper search
fields on Mac OS X 10.5. Testers, please report whether this gets rid of the
ugly cursor droppings in the adventure select field that were present in the
first attempt.

Revision: 6618
Whenever we detect that character is equipped with Lord Spookyraven's
spectacles, identify dusty bottles if necessary.
If use Soft Green Fluffy Remedy from the Relay Browser, remove from inventory.

Revision: 6619
Don't crash if have a bounty active and adventure in area with no bounty

Revision: 6620
Add effect desc id for Yuletide Mutations.
Add crumpled felt fedora to Familiar Trainer (untested).

Revision: 6621
Add blob-shaped Crimbo cookie et. al.

Revision: 6622
An attempt at working around a thread safety bug with Mac OS X-style search

Revision: 6623
Allows powders & nuggets to be selected in the Pulverize panel, for either
Malus-ing yourself or sending to wadbot. They appear in the list whenever
the corresponding element is selected, and the yield filter includes either
"1N" or "1W" as appropriate.
Fixed some problems with using the Pulverize button or context menu item in
other lists with powders or nuggets - that was implemented, but didn't work
with nuggets due to a typo, and would upgrade ALL powders of the selected
type (regardless of number requested) all the way to wads (even if the player
wanted the nuggets). It should now behave as expected.

Revision: 6624
which loads results in-line.
Move detection of Black Pudding, Giant Sandworm, Scary Pirate, and Booty Crab,
since that same change no longer is a redirect to fight.php.
Count Black Puddings fought.

Revision: 6625
Extends the recent locations history in the relay browser - by default, 5
locations (settable via recentLocations) are remembered, and links shown
underneath the existing last adventure link in smaller text.
Various improvements to the Daily Deeds panel:
Generalized the preference change notification mechanism so that deeds can
update in response to changes that aren't actually stored in a preference -
for example, a change in the number of stills remaining is broadcast as a
change to the nonexistent preference "(stills)".
Deeds are now executed via the command queue, so it's safe to click multple
deeds without waiting.
User-entered deeds are now dimmed out in both Daily Deeds lists upon
successful completion.
Added Deeds for remaining stills, outrageous sombrero, and black puddings.

Revision: 6626
Fix potential NPE in find_monsters() ASH function
Add new Mob Penguin items and effects
Account for all the ways drum machines, cursed pieces of thirteen, and black
puddings can fail to be used and properly track inventory whether or not
use is successful, either via Item Manager or Relay Browser.

Revision: 6627
Add Mob Penguin Hitpenguin

Revision: 6628
Support for familiar item locking. Currently, you can lock your curret familiar
item either in the Relay Browser (on the familiar or equipment page) or via the
familiar lock
familiar unlock
If your item is locked, KoL itself will automagically move it whenever you
change familiars. Therefore, only universally usable items can be locked, and
if you switch to a familiar that can't equip items the item will not be moved
(and will no longer be locked).
There is no GUI way to set this, currently.

Revision: 6629
Initial support for "use some" food or booze. KoLmafia doesn't (yet) use this
feature itself, but it should detect when you do it through the Relay Browser
and update the inventory appropriately.

Revision: 6630
For the purpose of deciding if counters will expire, adventuring in an unknown
location via adventure.php is assumed to take 1 turn, rather than 0. That won't
be true of new zones in The Sea, for example, but it should allow counters to
fire while adventuring in Crimbo Town.
Add some consumption data for sushi items, although we can't create & consume
them yet.
Correct effect name.

Revision: 6631
Add to connection option to connect via either IP address or name

Revision: 6632
When you get das boot, you lose your damp old boot

Revision: 6633
Add new elf and items it drops.
Add map to Madness Reef to Big Brother's inventory.
Sushi Items are now creatable via Item Manager and are recognized when
created in Relay Browser.
This was a major change to Concoctions and Item Creation, so it's quite possible
I introduced bugs. I also didn't do all the testing I REALLY wanted to sushi
itself, since it turns out that nigiri is 3 fullness, not 2, like the Wiki
claims, and I got full sooner than I expected.

Revision: 6634
Fix NPE when attempting to adventure in the unbridged Chasm (and probably
other special locations that don't have a defined zone).

Revision: 6635
Add new items.
(Re)fix fullness for nigiri: KoL erroneously changed it, I reported it, and
changed KoLmafia to accomadate the broken data, and now it has been restored...
When you buy the damp old boot, gice a link to the Old Man

Revision: 6636
Fix bug in item creation: acquiring ingredients would reset quantity needed
to be created.
Add new Crimbo and Sea monsters, items, effects.

Revision: 6637
Support for sushi-rolling maki. No consumption data, yet, for maki.

Revision: 6638
Do exact matches when make instances of CreateItemRequests. This should fix
certain cases of infinite recursion...

Revision: 6639
When get an instance of a CreateItemRequest, do not automatically set the
internal "quantityNeeded" variable. Let the caller do that just before it
executes the request.

Revision: 6640
Sushi doesn't benefit from Milk, Opposum, or Munchie Pills.
Add toast with jam recipe and effect

Revision: 6641
Make some (hopefully) efficiency improvements in the Concoctions Pool.
Add some plurals.

Revision: 6642
Fix detecting equipment changes performed in the Relay Browser.
Fix some item modifiers. Defer miniature antlers and depleted Grimacite
kneecapping stick until they've been spaded.

Revision: 6643
which was erroneously removed by my last submit.
Fix duplicate modifier message for certain items which are overridden by code.

Revision: 6644
Adds new string modifier "Modifiers", which is the complete modifiers string
for the item. Recursion! This allows checkmodifiers to work even with items
that have already had their modifiers parsed.
Adds missing modifier inquiry functions to ASH: numeric_modifier(string,
string); boolean_modifier(string, string); effect_modifier(string, string);
class_modifier(string, string); and string_modifier(string, string). This
allows ALL modifiers to be queried from scripts, including outfit modifiers
which were previously impossible.
Adds "modref" CLI command, which will show the complete list of modifier
names usable from ASH, and their current values for the player. If a
parameter is given, that object's modifiers are also shown. Note that the
object name has to be given in full - it can be an item, outfit, effect,
skill, or possibly other things in the future, so fuzzy matching isn't

Revision: 6645
Adds modifiers for a few overlooked passive skills, intrinsic effects, and outfits.

Revision: 6646
Add new items: tiny plastic Mob Penguin and fin-bit wax.
Avoid doing a full equipment request whn you equip or unequip items via chat.
Ditto for outfits, although I can't guarantee accessories always end up in the
correct slots.

Revision: 6647
Handle dual-wielding equipment requests via chat

Revision: 6648
When eating sushi increases fullness, update status so sidepane updates

Revision: 6649
Make sure that a "scripts" directory exists.

Revision: 6650
Add tiny plastic mutant elf. Fix KoL Con Cinco Pinata

Revision: 6651
Add new Mob Penguin and the items it drops.

Revision: 6652
Initial consumption data for maki

Revision: 6653
Makes fortune cookie & other counters visible in the relay browser, as if
though they were effects. This works in both compact and normal side pane
modes. Counters can be deleted by clicking on the number of turns remaining,
just like shrugging a buff - this feature is unavailable from the CLI due to
a lack of a way to unambiguously refer to a specific counter.
The "counters add <num>" CLI command now takes an optional title and/or image
filename for the counter, overriding the defaults of "Manual" and "watch.gif"
Revision: (which limits you to a mere
2826 or so possibilities).

Revision: 6654
Add new Advent item

Revision: 6655
Fixed a few typos, and added modifiers for a bunch of missing effects.
Corrected formula for Temporary Lycanthropy muscle boost.

Revision: 6656
If you try to adventure while inebriated, switch adventure to Drunken Stupor or
St. Sneaky Pete's Day Stupor, as appropriate, so logging is correct.

Revision: 6657
New Advent item. Arena parameters for Magic Dragonfish.

Revision: 6658
stat days affect stat gains from item consumption.

Revision: 6659
Change email address for submitting debug logs

Revision: 6660
Simply code for "conditions" command a bit. Use ItemPool for castle map items

Revision: 6661
New Crimbo items. Crimbo Cafe has a new menu. Cheap toaster is infinite use.

Revision: 6662
Automatically updates the Gear Changer popup lists whenever you gain enough
stats to be able to equip an item that you couldn't before. When this
happens, a message will be shown in the CLI naming one such item.
Adds a "familiar item locked" checkbox to the Gear Changer.

Revision: 6663
Tag certain non-consumable but usable items as "infinite use"

Revision: 6664
Familiar hatchlings found in the Relay Browser get a "grow" use link

Revision: 6665
When you autosell something with the "new" interface, log the meat received in
the gCLI and the session log.
When you turn in barrels of gunpowder to the lighthouse keeper, remove them
from inventory.
When you find barrels of gunpowder on Sonofa Beach in the Relay Browser, give a
link to turn them in to the lighthouse keeper.
If you visit the Bounty Hunter Hunter via the menu option and have already
turned in a bounty today, say so, rather than saying you're already on a hunt.

Revision: 6666
Don't decorate post-war Arena with an H or F unless you can still get concerts.
I.e., you won the war for the fans of the concert you promoted.
Fix typo: when finish arena quest for fratboys, remove rock band flyers from
inventory, not jam band flyers.
Do special St. Sneaky Pete's day processing if you visit ANY adventure.php when
your inebriety is greater than 25, since the special adventures happen whether
or not you explicitly adventure in the St. Sneaky Pete's Day Stupor url.

Revision: 6667
Using the miracle of "consume some", eat and drink multiple things at once!

Revision: 6668
When copying text from the CLI or similar scrolling text fields, convert
character entities such as > into plain text. If preference "copyAsHTML"
is set to true, instead copy the raw HTML - this may be useful in certain
cases (to preserve text colors, or table structure), but probably not enough
to deserve a UI for setting it.
This change required extending the program's handing of character entities to
include numeric as well as named entities. There may be side-effects
involving non-ASCII characters elsewhere.

Revision: 6669
Some choice adventures cost meat or items. If you can't pay the cost, do not
deduct it from inventory.

Revision: 6670
When you log out and log in again, your mainstat might change. Update mainstat
gains in concoctions so they sort correctly for new character.

Revision: 6671

Revision: 6672
At altars in Hidden City, replace name of appropriate billiard ball with a
spoiler including the effect you will getby using it at this altar. (Untested)

Revision: 6673
When you visit a square in the Hidden City, if it turns out to be an adventure
(as opposed to an altar or the temple), save the location in hiddenCitySquare
so that this square will be used for automated adventuring henceforth.
(That won't be useful if there is a Protector Spirit there, but I won't be in
a position to try that situation out for a while to come up with a solution.)

Revision: 6674
Hidden City now saves itself properly as the last adventure location and
updates the adventure selector, just like any other adventuring loacation.

Revision: 6675
Added effect of depleted Grimacite kneecapping stick.

Revision: 6676
The three consumption data files can now have an additional field, containing
free-form notes about what the item does for you beyond the basic adv & stat
gains (such as giving an effect). This is appended to the second description
line in the Item Manager consumption lists. File version numbers NOT changed
- the program doesn't actually require this field, and older versions would
ignore it.
Since the extra info will in many cases make the description too wide to fit
in the list, such items will have their own full text as a tooltip, so you
can always read it all.
I have only added minimal notes for a few food items so far (Hell ramen &
blob-shaped Crimbo cookies, for example) - just enough to test this feature.
More notes will be added soon.

Revision: 6677
Add +3 white rice as one of the available condition sets for Whitey's Grove

Revision: 6678
When you eat multiple fortune cookies, all the fortunes are concatenated. Parse
the lucky numbers from all of them.
<i>limbos</i> gingerbread has been renamed elven <i>limbos</i> gingerbread.

Revision: 6679
fix typo

Revision: 6680
fix typo

Revision: 6681
Added consumption notes for every item I could find that has nonstandard
Added code to generate appropriate consumption notes for identified dusty

Revision: 6682
Experimental upgrade to casting Mystical Bookshelf skills for breakfast.
Each kind of book (tome, grimoire, libram) has a dropdown on the Breakfast
preferences, allowing you to specify what you want to use for breakfast. You
can select None, All, or a single book from each type.
If you select None, those books will not be used during breakfast.
If you select All, all available books of that type will be used. Total daily
usages will be evenly split among the available books of the type, with any
excess going to the first book of the type.
If you select a single book, all daily usages will be consumed using that book.
Librams are weird; you could, potentially, cast, restore MP, cast some more,
and so on. For now, even if you have "restore MP during breakfast" selected,
KoLmafia will not do so for librams: it will use up however much MP remains
after doing all the other breakfast skill usages.
Note also that with 2 possible tomes and 3 tome usages per day, if you have both
tomes and select All, you will get 2 Snowcones and 1 Sticker. The reverse is not
configurable. Sorry!
Note lastly that since I only have a single character with any books, although
she does have ALL the books, my daily testing is limited. More testing will
happen over time, both by me and by you. Thanks! ;)

Revision: 6683
fix typo

Revision: 6684
When you get the worm riding hooks, you lose the worm riding manual pages

Revision: 6685
Sushi no longer shows up on equipment creation panels.
Put back (or finish. Was it ever there?) recognizing when the Gallery and
Second Floor of Spookyraven Manor get unlocked.
Simplify code in UseItemRequest that automatically removes a conflicting
elemental phial when you attempt to use a different one.

Revision: 6686
Annotate inventory pages with a link to "roll sushi", if sushi-rolling mat is
in inventory.

Revision: 6687
Maximum use count of one for dwelling furnishings. Add a plural.

Revision: 6688
add semi-rares as possible conditions

Revision: 6689
add some plurals

Revision: 6690
add new zap group

Revision: 6691
fix typo
add crimbo nostalgia effect description
update modifiers with latest info

Revision: 6692
fix typo

Revision: 6693
Visiting the untinker with the rusty screwdriver removes it from inventory

Revision: 6694
Fix typo so boss warning works

Revision: 6695
Don't remove whitespace around semicolons in full-line commands; this messes
up expansion of nested aliases.

Revision: 6696
Initial support for summoning Pastamancer combat entities (ghosts)
We recognize when you summon one, and remember the name and type
We track whenever you use one in battle (which you can do, 10 times per day)
You should be able to say "summon" in a CCS to summon your current ghost
The CLI "entity" command tells you what we know about your current entity.
Note that we don't - quite - track experience correctly: we increment experience
when you summon the combat entity, not when you win the battle with it still

Revision: 6697
Only drink one TPS drink at a time. Add possible goal to Whitey's Grove.

Revision: 6698
"recover" command now recovers up to your autorecovery target if the current
value is below it, and only then recovers one point at a time. This makes no
difference with the built-in recovery mechanism, which has a special case
that accomplishes the same thing, but makes a lot more sense with a
The HP & MP values in the relay browser are now clickable if they're less
than the maximum, rather than the autorecovery target. This makes it easier
to recover a bit more when needed; healing up for a boss fight, or making
sure that you'll be able to cast Olfaction, for example.

Revision: 6699
orange candy hearts regen HP/MP

Revision: 6700
add meat drop for hippy camp bombed back to the stone age

Revision: 6701
KoL requires confirmation when summoning a pastamancer combat ghost to replace
an existing one.
Handle ingredients properly when creating multiple chefstaves or star chart
drawings through the item manager.
Handle ingredients properly when attempting to make a chefstaff or star chart
drawing in the Relay Browser with insufficient or incorrect ingredients.

Revision: 6702
Attempt to be be more accurate in determining the KoL day from the moon postions
Only give Pastamancer combat entities experience if you win the battle and they
haven't abandoned you (as the angel hair wisp can do...)

Revision: 6703
Get confirmation before replacing a dwelling with a lesser dwelling, replacing
any bed, or replacing a summoned pastamancer ghost.

Revision: 6704
Include some debugging to help track down an issue with determining correct
KoL date. Clear saved campground furnishings before reparsing campground.

Revision: 6705
To make it easier to handle the increasing number of items with varying
effects, I've added a simple expression evaluator for numeric modifiers,
documented at the top of modifiers.txt. (I considered allowing arbitrary ASH
expressions, but that seems a bit heavyweight of a solution.) All variable
items and effects are now in the data file, where they belong, except for
Tuesday's Ruby which is just too oddball.

Revision: 6706
Simplify some code in KoL date handling. (Hopefully) eliminate error which

Revision: 6707
Change CCS command for summoning a pastamancer ghost from simply "summon" to
"summon ghost".
If you are on a bounty hunt that KoLmafia didn't see you start, it now figures
it out when you visit the Bounty Hunter Hunter.

Revision: 6708
The Crimbo Cafe is now closed. Add throbbing rage gland.

Revision: 6709
01/01 is the Festival of Jarlsberg.

Revision: 6710
Add some item drops for Haunted Bathroom monsters

Revision: 6711
Add January IOTM and derivatives.

Revision: 6712
Better argument checking for the "friars" command

Revision: 6713
Do not go gentle into that Distant Land;
(Castable once per day, effect details & Daily Deed added.)

Revision: 6714
ASH get_ingredients() now returns correct results for items with multiple
instances of the same ingredient (such as the pair of twitching claws).

Revision: 6715
Only eat one black pudding at a time through the Item Manager.
Counter expiration is an ERROR, not an ABORT

Revision: 6716
The plural of homeopathic healing powder has changed.
When multi-consuming pickle juice or greasy sliders, multiply the 5 spleen
cleared by the quantity used.

Revision: 6717
Add option to CLI "familiar" command: if you say, for example:
familiar naked baby gravy fairy
(as opposed to simply "familiar baby gravy fairy"), KoLmafia will remove the
familiar equipment after switching to the specified familiar.
This seems pretty useless except in one place: on the page where you are about
to step through the gash and ascend, you are offered a list of your familiars.
If you select one from that list, KoLmafia will switch to it using this command,
so it will be as naked as you are and ready to enter the afterlife.

Revision: 6718
Detect Black Cat's prevention of skill and item use during combat and don't
deduct mana or items. (Untested)

Revision: 6719
chaos butterflies are combat items.
Add obsolete effect.

Revision: 6720
Correct some maki consumption data

Revision: 6721
Keeps track of the number of uses of each Birdform skill that counts towards
getting a glimmering feather. This information is displayed as part of the
effect count in the relay browser.

Revision: 6722
Provide mechanism to inspect a choice page when first visit it.
When we first visit the "Wheel in the Pyramid", remove carved wooden wheel

Revision: 6723
The account option to switch between compact and detailed autosell mode changed
from an HTML link to a checkbox. Accomodate this.
If we detect (via an unexpected server redirect) that we are connecting to the
wrong autosell page, change autosell mode appropriately.

Revision: 6724
When you jump through the gash, KoLmafia automatically puts on the Birthday
Suit. Remove familiar item as well.

Revision: 6725
Don't add an extra Outrageous Sombrero to inventory when you use it.

Revision: 6726
When you turn in stone rose or use can of black paint, remove from inventory

Revision: 6727
Pouring dusty bottles of wine into the goblet removes them from inventory.

Revision: 6728
When encounter an altar in the hidden city, include spoiler about pool ball

Revision: 6729
Update version number to 12.8
Hi, umm... I'm not sure where else to bring this issue up, but I'm using 12.8 and it's awesome as usual except now, I'm in Ronin in a new ascension and Mafia isn't recognizing that I have anything in storage. My storage shows as empty, there's no pull budget, and typing "pull <x item>" at the command line tells me I have nothing of that item in storage.

I've run the newest daily build, same issue. I've tried the update command, restarting a few times, nothing. Any ideas?
[quote author=KeltiThePastaQueen link=topic=2129.msg10913#msg10913 date=1231168128]
Hi, umm... I'm not sure where else to bring this issue up, but I'm using 12.8 and it's awesome as usual except now, I'm in Ronin in a new ascension and Mafia isn't recognizing that I have anything in storage. My storage shows as empty, there's no pull budget, and typing "pull <x item>" at the command line tells me I have nothing of that item in storage.

I've run the newest daily build, same issue. I've tried the update command, restarting a few times, nothing. Any ideas?

As seen buried in this post:

Sounds like KoLmafia loaded storage some time during this ascension and found it empty (or got a blank page), and so it set a flag saying not to check storage anymore for the remainder of the ascension. I'm not sure what caused this to happen if storage wasn't actually empty, but "set "lastEmptiedStorage=-1" will reset the flag.