Using target's HP as a condition in combat?


New member
I'm trying to build something that can perform different actions based on the current HP of whatever you're fighting.

I've found a potentially workable, though incredibly hardcoded and inelegant, solution via a consult script using monster_HP() and a gigantic series of nested if statements. I'm pretty confident there's a better way to go about this though.

...Of course, while typing this, inspiration struck-- at a glance, is this vein of thought about as good as it gets?

string run(int round, string opp, string text) {
for i from 1 to 30 {
if (monster_HP() < Target){
return get_ccs_action(31);
else {
return get_ccs_action(round);

where each turn's commands are in the CSS and a 31st turn gives the conditional behavior.


Head over to the smartstasis thread, where Zarqon just posted an alpha version of BatBrain. It's hardly drag-and-drop (it's "just" a library of functions) but it is eventually going to be a very elegant solution to this very problem.


I just don't understand using both "return" and a for loop... but perhaps I just don't understand consult scripting. (Always has been mysterious to me, despite some efforts.)


I just don't understand using both "return" and a for loop... but perhaps I just don't understand consult scripting. (Always has been mysterious to me, despite some efforts.)

Nope, that code was pretty much nonsense. I think he wanted to do this:

string run(int round, string opp, string text) {
      if (monster_HP() < Target){
         return get_ccs_action(31);
     else {
         return get_ccs_action(round);

First of all, this is a combat filter for use with the three parameter version of adventure(), not a consult script.

This will run the combat with the commands from 1-30, but when the monsters HP gets less than Target (which hopefully will be defined somewhere in the script), it will finish off the monster with the round 31 action.
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Ah, knowing it's a combat filter clears things up. Why is it every time there's a question regarding combat, all scripts are referred to as consult scripts? ;)


Staff member
string run(int round, string opp, string text) {
      if (monster_HP() < Target){
         return get_ccs_action(31);
     else {
         return get_ccs_action(round);
of course, now you can do this:
 string run( int round, string opp, string text )
    return get_ccs_action( monster_HP() < Target ? 31 : round );



New member
I was calling it a consult since I was running it via 'consult scriptname.ash'. Seemed like a reasonable thing call it, in that case.

So pretty much, a filter script was the exact thing I was looking for. One of my previous attempts was actually leading towards writing my own with an unpleasant set of loops.

Indeed; I'm not a particularly skilled coder [or even decent, at that...]. Since most of my final objectives are pretty niche though, hammering at it until you end up with a mess of spaghetti that somehow works usually isn't a problem. Horrible for learning though.

Thank you everybody for your assistance! Your link to the combat filters, something I haven't encountered before, was particularly useful, Bale.


I was calling it a consult since I was running it via 'consult scriptname.ash'. Seemed like a reasonable thing call it, in that case.

Is this something that works on non-windows OS's or something? The command "consult" returns "Unable to invoke consult" for me.

I was trying to attack you personally, it's just that this happens fairly often. Perhaps there's a mac or linux specific command I'm unaware of, and that's why... *shrug*


Active member
I believe that Aoi means that was the line used in the CCS (consult), not that it was called in gCLI...


Ah yeah. Long day, I shoulda been able to see that. I think V's statement through me off; technically, it was part of a consult, just not the main() function (which wasn't shown). Argh, long day.


New member
Oh, I didn't take it as an attack; I well aware that my knowledge of Mafia scripting is lacking so I spent some time looking up what else it could be. Didn't find anything, but looking through the Mafia info is educational nonetheless.