Using stuff I don't want used.


New member
Ok, I have in my custom action "consult firstthingsfirst.ash" and "attack with weapon".

I have set mafia to use UniversalRecovery.ash

I have set HP restore at 30%, and ONLY ticked "medicinal herbs" under HP/MP restore. I don't want ANYTHING else used, and NOTHING else is ticked.

I have set MP restore to "don't restore". Ever.

Yet there are times when the following happens:
> Restoring HP! Currently at 20 of 104 HP, 13 of 97 MP, current meat: 35338 ... Target HP = 99.

use 1 phonics down
use 1 honey-dipped locust


Can someone tell me WHICH script is doing this? Is it universalrecovery or is it firstthingsfirst? Or is it mafia itself?
Can someone suggest a way for me to force scripts to list their name before any output they have?
Can someone suggest a way to force whatever the hell is using my stuff to STOP DOING THAT!

This behaviour is completely unacceptable. It's not the first time its happened, but this time its made me really annoyed. I'm in BM, I don't have this shit to waste!


New member
Right, I've done a quick grep on the message I got, and it's UniversalRecovery doing this. Moving this discussion to the UniversalRecovery script discussion to find out why in HELL it's not obeying my instructions.