Using CLI to add condition, need help.


New member
I'm trying to add a certain choiceadv to the condition list for a certain location. I want this condition met once each day.

I read through some of the kolmafia manual, mainly the basic scripting>conditions section. I noticed you can add 1 choiceadv...but if the location has multiple choiceadv, wouldn't any choiceadv trigger the halt rather than the one I want to trigger the halt?

I may have overlooked something, or this may not even be possible. The choiceadv I want as a condition is "Under the Knife", in the back alley.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading. :)


Under the Knife is somewhat peculiar in that it is an "auto stop" adventure, if you simply adventure * in the sleazy back alley with no other conditions set it will auto stop after getting this adventure without having to do anything else. Make sure your "Choice Adv" tab for Sleazy Back Alley 1: is set to switch genders and you are good to go.