Bug Using a macro with Replace Enemy + Use the Force = Wrong enemy saved in preferences


I don't think this is actually fixable to be clear, I'm reporting it so it's known.

I created this PR to track powerful glove as it wasn't obvious to me what was going originally.
But basically, you can see in the snippet in the spoiler that I executed a macro that would cast replace enemy, then use the force.
Later in that choice I asked to see its friends.
This was in Sonofa Beach, using a cursed magnifying glass to attack a Void Spider.
What you don't see because I'm too lazy is that when I adventure in the zone again, I'm fighting lobsterfrogmen.

If I manually check the charge of the Powerful Glove, it will have been used; But again Mafia did not see this.

I don't think there's a real solution to fixing this on mafia's side, other than potentially breaking behavior with macros. So this is up to the user to work around.
This is really just a bug report for awareness.

To rephrase because I'm sometimes bad at explaining.

What I did
Start a fight against Void Spider in the Beach
Execute a Macro that consisted of the command cast Replace Enemy, then Use the Force
I then manually picked the friends option.

What I expected to see.
Powerful glove charge decreased by 10%
Saber monster property saved to lobsterfrogmen

What happened
Powerful glove charge unchanged
Saber monster property saved to void spider

> js bufferToFile(visitUrl("fight.php?action=macro&macrotext=" + urlEncode("if !monsterid 529;skill 7326;endif;skill Use the Force;"), true, true).toString(), "buffer.txt")

class net.sourceforge.kolmafia.request.GenericRequest
Round 1: Irrat executes a macro!
Connecting to fight.php...

Requesting: https://www.kingdomofloathing.com/fight.php?action=macro&macrotext=if+%21monsterid+529%3Bskill+7326%3Bendif%3Bskill+Use+the+Force%3B
4 request properties
Field: Accept-Encoding = [gzip]
Field: Content-Type = [application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
Field: Cookie =
Field: User-Agent = [KoLmafia r26693-M]

Retrieving server reply...

Retrieved: https://www.kingdomofloathing.com/fight.php?action=macro&macrotext=if+%21monsterid+529%3Bskill+7326%3Bendif%3Bskill+Use+the+Force%3B
10 header fields
Field: :status = [302]
Field: cache-control = [no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0]
Field: content-type = [text/html]
Field: date = [Wed, 24 Aug 2022 17:27:42 GMT]
Field: expires = [Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT]
Field: location = [choice.php?forceoption=0]
Field: pragma = [no-cache]
Field: server = [nginx/1.8.1]
Field: set-cookie =
Field: x-powered-by = [PHP/5.3.29]

Connecting to choice.php...

Requesting: https://www.kingdomofloathing.com/choice.php?forceoption=0
3 request properties
Field: Accept-Encoding = [gzip]
Field: Cookie =
Field: User-Agent = [KoLmafia r26693-M]

Retrieving server reply...

Retrieved: https://www.kingdomofloathing.com/choice.php?forceoption=0
11 header fields
Field: :status = [200]
Field: cache-control = [no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0]
Field: content-encoding = [gzip]
Field: content-type = [text/html; charset=UTF-8]
Field: date = [Wed, 24 Aug 2022 17:27:43 GMT]
Field: expires = [Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT]
Field: pragma = [no-cache]
Field: server = [nginx/1.8.1]
Field: set-cookie =
Field: vary = [Accept-Encoding]
Field: x-powered-by = [PHP/5.3.29]

Retrieving server reply
ResponseText has 4694 characters.
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Preference lastEncounter changed from void spider to Using the Force
Encounter: Using the Force
Processing results...
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