Feature - Implemented Updating of Reanimator part counts in relay browser


New member
Hiya mafia dev people!
I've noticed that from way back in version 12826, Mafia will automatically chat with a just-equipped reanimator to update the part counts, but this only seems to happen when you switch to him in Mafia itself, eg via the CLI. This check does not occur when switching familiars in the relay browser, either on the familiars page or via chat command.
Would it be possible to add that, or is it too intensive to run those checks when it's not Mafia doing the familiar parsing?


Looks like we parse the familiar page in either FamiliarData.registerFamiliarData (if no ajax=1 included) otherwise FamiliarRequest.parseResponse.

Why do we do it that way? I was considering just moving the reanimator check to FamiliarRequest.parseResponse, but as it's parsed by FamiliarData.registerFamiliarData when changing in the relay browser that doesn't help. Does it have to be in both places, or should one call the other anyway? Just trying to understand before tinkering.


r15142 - shame we have to have the code in two places, but this works for me now from relay browser on familiars page and chat command when the reanimator is equipped and another familiar (or none) was equipped beforehand.