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I'm in the process of considering changing our forum software as vBulletin 4 is pretty much EOL and the versions of PHP it runs on are also very very out of date. I'm open to suggestions, Xenforo looks like a decent option but does come with an upfront cost. I haven't looked into really any other forum softwares in many many years so currently don't know what's really out there.

Mainly putting this out there as an FYI as I attempted to upgrade the wiki after some issues were brought to my attention but the updates won't run on the version of PHP we need for vBulletin.

Recently updated from an older version of vBulletin than kolmafia.us to XenForo. As a user it wasn't too bad. Some vocabulary changes - private messages are now conversations and some use hiccups because they thought posting to a profile was private, but no one is asking to go back. The upgrade and change over took some care but the owner/admin didn't pull out any hair. If you'd like I can make an introduction.
Hi Fewyn,

I may have been the one who brought the wiki issues to your attention. I don't have any technical opinions, but is this something we can chip in a bit of maintenance cash for? I've been using this site for a decade, on and off, and I'd be happy to chip in.
Even though I know it would be a big step for us I would be remiss if I didn't say that moving our software hosting to something like GitHub and using issues and pull requests to have these discussions would be hugely beneficial to the project.
Even though I know it would be a big step for us I would be remiss if I didn't say that moving our software hosting to something like GitHub and using issues and pull requests to have these discussions would be hugely beneficial to the project.

IMO that pretty much means the next generation of devs will be taking over when it happens. That has to happen anyway and if opinions are weighted by commits my opinion doesn't matter but that move will be the end of an era.
IMO that pretty much means the next generation of devs will be taking over when it happens. That has to happen anyway and if opinions are weighted by commits my opinion doesn't matter but that move will be the end of an era.

I'm not sure which is the action and which is the reaction in your mind, but I certainly neither wish for that to be the case, nor believe that it needs to be the case.
Do we still have anything that specifically relies on the forums to work? Like specific URLs on the forums? I know we used to... but to be honest I haven't really paid much attention to that in awhile now.
Our script repository has links to the forum post where the script was announced. I suppose we could rebuild it to point to migrated posts in the new forums, if necessary.
There may still be scripts around that use ZLib's pre-SVN update checking function, which relies on specific forum links. I haven't checked exhaustively but I'd wager most if not all of them are no longer updating though (making the function unnecessary).
Ok, so the plan right now is to most likely convert the site tomorrow to XenForo. I'm going to be testing it in a local sandbox and I'll likely be wiping the entire VPS and just setting everything back up from scratch since we're using some pretty out of date versions due to still running this old version of vBulletin.
As everyone can see the forums have now been upgraded, still working on the build system and wiki.
I don't like what it did to my Avatar - it's no longer animated - but that's minor.
This going to take some getting used to - and looking up all the appropriate script threads to update data/SVN/svnrepo.json
Thanks for all your hard work.
All the URLs should auto redirect to the appropriate post on the new forums, I setup a rewrite addon for that for vBulletin to XenForo. Also no idea why you're getting moderated I'll look into that now.
I was required to enable two factor authentication, which is fine, but might surprise folks.

But Thank You!!!