Feature Unlock Whitey's Grove if you have a meatcar and access to Paco


Active member
One of the fun bits I realized after doing some Zombie Slayer is you can end the run with Whitey's Grove still hidden, at least in Softcore. Basically, just go to Mr. Alarm with stew already on hand and he doesn't even mention the Grove. The only way to unlock it then is to get your second guild quest from Paco. However, if you haven't even visited him yet, he'll give you the meatcar quest first. If you already have the meatcar, it just takes a couple of 0-turn visits to Paco before he asks you to go to White Citadel.

So, if Whiey's Grove isn't unlocked, and you have a meatcar and access to Paco, go ahead and click through to unlock Whitey's Grove.


Active member
And white rice, and access to the WC quest (isn't there trophy for WC food?), which is necessary for access to the dwarven factory quest (and the associated rewards).