Unknown browser bug

Well no Ninicorn yet but I did a little sleuthing on my own and noticed that yes the first browser is 60080 and the second is 60081. Not sure if you guys knew that days ago or were just speculating on that or not but it is that.

EDIT: Just re-read the other post and you guys did already know that :( Still, it's all I can contribute so I'm leaving it up to show that I'm at least trying to help.
You definitely can check what happens if you connect to these URLs when *NO* KoLmafia is running:

Also, to make sure it's not something with a bad cache, you could try:

- your usual browser in normal mode
- your usual browser after all cached information has been cleared
- your usual browser in "private"/"anonymous"/"incognito" mode

- if your usual browser has a way to install extensions, plugins, scripts or the like, try with these disabled

- a different browser (Firefox, Chrome, and Safari are available for OS X)

all of that on with exactly one instance of KoLmafia running.

Any information gathered by this can help.

Kind regards,
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How do I clear my cache?

EDIT: I thought it was something different for mafia then (than?) my browser cache. Clearing it now, will post up results in a few :)

So I deleted ALL of my KOL stuff from my mac (10.9.3) and figured I would start over clean slate and just try from the start... Back to the first log-in and BAM! Effin line in the browser like before! So now not only is the issue not fixed but all the bad-ass scripts that you guys have built over the years are gone! Well shit. I've not been playing for a few weeks and won't start again until the new path drops (I have a very good friend playing my account) so I have some time to try to figure this out, but it's really bugging me. I'm in no real rush to come back, I've been having some really bad depression issues and taking this one thing out of my day has eased a lot of my stress (along with several other things).
Does your computer have a firewall? If so, try disabling the firewall temporarily to see if that makes it work.

Does your computer have a router? It's a blinky box that connects between the computer and the internet (cable modem or whatever).
As far as a firewall I have no idea whatsoever. I have not added one, but that doesn't mean my wife hasn't... As far as the router I am running a DOCSIS 3.0 and an Airport extreme (1TB storage if that makes any difference but I know it doesn't) for the wireless. How do I check for a firewall? Also nothing has changed in years except I moved from Tx. to Va., I am running the same hardware that I have been for the last 2-3 years. I jumped on the DOCSIS 3.0 wagon day 1 and had the Airport since forever. However now that I think about it.... I did have the internet guy out a few months back to remove a 6 way splitter and replace some cable that was messed up and he had to add a 3 way splitter to "slow down" my internet connection if that matters. Apparently my signal was to strong.
I'd suggest you Google for help with Airport Extreme to open port 60080.

As for your firewall/virus scanner... If you were using Windows, I'd suggest checking unknown icons in your system tray. I have no idea how programs quietly demonstrate their existence on a Mac.
Last edited: shouldn't be leaving his computer, so I see no reason he should have to manipulate his router.
By the way - when I "upgraded" (ha ha ha) to 10.9, I noticed new behavior with the Relay Browser.

- My system default browser is Safari
- KoLmafia's Relay Browser is set to use Firefox
- When I click on the Relay Browser button, Firefox starts - and shows its home page - and the Relay Browser opens in Safari.
- I close that page in Safari.
- When I click on the Relay Browser button a second time, Firefox shows me KoL, as usual.

And from then on, the Relay Browser successfully opens in Firefox for me.

I was unable to discern which browser you were using in your video.

- What is your system default browser?
- What browser do you select in the Relay Browser settings, if any?

There definitely is something wonky about 10.9. I've considered debugging a bit to see what is different to make it open the Relay Browser in the wrong browser, but since I can get it to work correctly by simply clicking the button twice, I haven't been motivated. But, I'll take a look, now that I have read this thread, and see if I can find what is different about launching the browser in 10.9.

Perhaps clicking the Relay Browser button twice will work for you, too, rather than actually opening up two instances of KoLmafia.
Perhaps clicking the Relay Browser button twice will work for you, too, rather than actually opening up two instances of KoLmafia.

That was checked in posts 6-10, and it was confirmed that additionally launching port 60080 again didn't fix it, only going to 60081 solves the issue.
Oh. Well, I guess I no longer feel motivated to spend time on this any more, since my experience actually is completely unrelated to to the issue reported in this thread, eh Theraze?
- KoLmafia's Relay Browser is set to use Firefox
Same here :)

I was unable to discern which browser you were using in your video.
Firefox 30.0

- What is your system default browser?
Firefor FTW :)

Perhaps clicking the Relay Browser button twice will work for you, too, rather than actually opening up two instances of KoLmafia.

Sadly no, that doesn't work either :( If it did I would be totally happy with that!
Oh. Well, I guess I no longer feel motivated to spend time on this any more, since my experience actually is completely unrelated to to the issue reported in this thread, eh Theraze?

Wasn't trying to discourage you, just note the history that that specific workaround had already been tested.
Also this I found today whilst going through my computer looking for "Blues Clues"

So no firewall on my computer at all... what the hell?!?
Well, no to the built-in firewall, but if you use something like Norton Internet Security or McAfee or any of the other 'suite' protection programs, there's still a good chance that there's a Firewall somewhere. Or some other program that had 60080 hooked for some reason.