Bug - Fixed Unexpected plural


New member
Yesterday I spotted the CLI in r137XX (I don't recall exactly which) spitting out the message

Unexpected plural of 'blessed large box' found: blessed large boxes

so I thought I'd report that, but also generate a list of bad plurals from old session logs that don't seem to match /src/data/items:

Unexpected plural of '8-bit banana' found: 8-bit bananananas
Unexpected plural of 'Alice's Army Dervish' found: Alice's Army Dervishes
Unexpected plural of 'Alice's Army Ninja' found: Alice's Army Ninjae
Unexpected plural of 'flask of Gnomochloric acid' found: flasks of Gnomochloric acid
Unexpected plural of 'pack of chewing gum' found: packs of chewing gum

In the case of the last two, I checked them just now and amended the wiki, since they are still the current plurals and the wiki was incorrect. The upper three are from logs up to thirty days old, though, and I am not in a position to check them right this second (apologies for that!)
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