Unable to rest at campground to remove beaten up

Early in an ascension, while my HP is still low and before I have access to green eyedrop antidote, I use my house to cure beaten up. The problem I run into is that Mafia doesn't seem to rest in my house even though it is set as one of my healing options, and when I manually use my campground, Mafia treats full 'beaten up' health as actual full health and won't allow me to rest again with the message "you don't need to rest." I have tried reasoning with the interface, explaining calmly that I do, in fact, need to rest, and could it please just take my word for it, but it has been fruitless.

Do I just have a setting out of whack? I've tried messing around with anything I think might apply to the situation with no luck.
Are you in Zombiecore?

You correctly figured out what is happening. Mafia sees that your HP and MP are maxed out, and decides you don't need the rest. It should check whether you are beaten up before deciding that.

What does this have to do with Zombiecore? I misread the code wrong alright. In r11434, Roippi added code to "allow resting in your campground in zombiecore when you're beaten up, regardless of your hp/mp.". This adds the check for Beaten Up that is needed, but only for players in Zombiecore.

I can't remember what is special about the campground in Zombiecore. Is there any reason to keep the Zombiecore check?
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After a bit of searching the wiki, it looks like resting in your campground doesn't cure Beaten Up, except in Zombiecore.
When I open the relay browser, i am able to rest in my campground to cure Beaten Up, and this is how I've been dealing with it, but that ends up being counterproductive when my goal is automation.

What parts of what person do I have to stroke to get this fixed?
After a bit of searching the wiki, it looks like resting in your campground doesn't cure Beaten Up, except in Zombiecore.

3x rests should do the trick. Not exactly _optimal_ and in fact frowned upon in many ascending circles because it's viewed as a waste of turns, but what're you going to do about it?
I've tried adding 3xrest to my moods, but that doesn't do it, either. It's absolutely NOT optimal, but i'm not trying for optimization, just automation.
When I open the relay browser, i am able to rest in my campground to cure Beaten Up, and this is how I've been dealing with it, but that ends up being counterproductive when my goal is automation.

What parts of what person do I have to stroke to get this fixed?

I'm a little confused - when you say rest to cure Beaten Up do you mean rest for three turns? If so before you start stroking and body parts get all tingly, this probably deserves some thought. For example in my case after struggling with Beaten Up options I have settled on running a script after Universal Recovery gives up and that script adventures in the Sleazy Back Alley until Beaten Up is gone. I've convinced myself that the trivial amounts of experience and drops are better than just resting. This suggests that having mafia make the decision to burn three turns needs to be carefully considered and documented. So I'd like a little more detail and clarity about what is being asked for.
I've tried adding 3xrest to my moods, but that doesn't do it, either. It's absolutely NOT optimal, but i'm not trying for optimization, just automation.

Erm, I didn't mean to add "3xrest", I meant that as an explanation of what you were doing to remove Beaten up. If you really really wanted to, ashq while(have_effect($effect[Beaten Up]) > 0) visit_url('campground.php?action=rest') might do the trick (I've no idea what the actual URL is, but that sounds valid. This may also waste all of your adventures, I have no idea).
I see, you just want a way to spend 3 adventures, with a guarantee of encountering only noncombats. I'm not sure what we should do in this case.
If your desire is to just waste 3 adventures, literally anything else you can do in the game is a superior option. Noob cave, barrel full of barrels, sign gym, etc. In general mafia doesn't force you to be anywhere near optimal, but we have to draw the line somewhere.
When beaten up in Class Act between levels 5-9, I tend to spend my 3 adventures in the treasury because that way at least I get paid for my wasted turns. After level 10, it's usually burning single turns at the Airship hoping for a tiny house or SGEEA, since either will get me fixed up.

I think this is Not A Bug, since you can force the resting using visit_url if you would rather completely waste the adventure.
I hadn't even considered turn burning in a lower level area as a solution. I don't care about noncombats, just survivability while beaten up. Thanks for working this out for me, folks. I knew there had to be an obvious answer that was, like my lost glasses, already in my hand.