Trophy and Tattoo management project scripts!


New member
Hello all, I'm a decent frequenter here, and I'd like to make a little project here. Originally inspired by macman104's trophy manager, I wish to make a set of scripts that are updated as new trophies and tattoos are added. This repository is pretty awesome for the almost wiki like contribution style. I'll explain what I mean. I'm also rather curious if people want to go as far as to add on hints and such as to mention how to get said trophies or tattoos.

First thing of order...It is not very hard to write the main scripts that can do this. It's the constant updating required that bugs me.

I have two ideas (as of now) of how to approach this.
1) We all add each trophy hand by hand.

Right now, I definitely don't have the time for 1 and I don't have the knowledge to do 2.

In any case, finding a standard for the data entry is probably going to be the meat of the discussion.

Indexing trophies by their numbers and linking them in a map to their filenames is no problem.

Tattoos are harder. Unless we just give them arbitrary indices.

Also, tattoo page to parse: "account_tattoos.php"

Trophy page to parse (this is what drove macman crazy): "trophies.php"

Anyways, thanks for reading a post that was too long. @_@
I'll say that updating shouldn't be too difficult. It's not often that trophies and tattoos change and big chunks don't often get added. The biggest issue I ran into was that the image names on the wiki/capitalization did not always match what the actual capitalization was. I'm not sure the scale of the scripts merit the effort to put together such a system. *Shrug* just my opinion though.
Oh, capitalization is easy to eliminate using to_lower_case(string) comparisons.

And yeah, I'll see if I can come up with something that works too.
One swift perl script to the rescue!
I have a preliminary data file for the tattoos, courtesy of the wiki and some regexes. Each line has three strings. The filename, a brief description of how to obtain the tattoo, and a 'category' string.
I even included the 'OMG, not fair' tattoos which none of us are cool enough to get.

I'll see if I can build a script around this to check which tattoos you lack...

Perhaps we could build a little 'collectors score' suite of scripts? IE: it would calculate your collectors score based on number of trophies, tattoos, familiars, and whatever else the collectors count towards that score..


I know that this is an impressive necro...

But I've updated the tattoo script to handle all known tattoos up through the slime outfit. The image for #52 is still unknown it seems. :(

It skips over outfit #13, which doesn't exist too.


Thanks for posting update Sulfur. I never got around to incorporating the excellent suggestions provided. I suck in that regard.

