Feature - Implemented track Mer-kin lockkey drop


Staff member
Because I did not see this in the new sea thread, request for Mafia to track the drop monster of the Mer-kin lockkey.

And, ideally, set the choice of Into the Outpost (Choice adventure number: 312)

From the Wiki:
(1) If the lockkey dropped from the Mer-kin burglar, the stashbox will be available from one of the choices from Sneaky Intent.
(2) If the lockkey dropped from the Mer-kin raider, the stashbox will be available from one of the choices from Aggressive Intent.
(3) If the lockkey dropped from the Mer-kin healer, the stashbox will be available from one of the choices from Mysterious Intent.


Something like "get lockkey" returning "burglar", "healer" or "raider"? Seems like it would be helpful, especially if automating.


r12125 should track which monster dropped it in merkinLockkeyMonster. Untested

No special handling for the choice adventure yet.


Active member
Round 6: mer-kin raider takes 486 damage.
You gain 29 hit points
You gain 6 Mana Points
You gain 40 Mana Points
Round 6: Theraze wins the fight!
Your familiar gains a pound: Gronald, the 11 lb. Grouper Groupie
You gain 147 Meat, but the rest sinks into the murky depths.
After Battle: Gronald wiggles her pectoral fins seductively. Good lord, that sounds like the opening line of the worst Free Willy fanfic ever.
You acquire an item: Mer-kin lockkey
You gain 54 Muscleboundness
You gain 95 Enchantedness
You gain 68 Roguishness
Look! You found 1 Mer-kin lockkey (50μ)!

> pref lockkey

merkinLockkeyMonster (user, now 'mer-kin raider', default )



Thanks. Always appreciate that check.

Is there any reason not to just override the choiceadv setting when the lockkey drops? i.e. is there any reason a user would not want their choiceAdventure312 setting to change when a lockkey drops?


Active member
I've put setting 312 into my after adventure script, but... only if they're farming for one of the drops from a tent rather than actually trying to complete the quest. In which case they can just override the setting and go back to their favourite, since the lockkey only drops once per ascension.


Active member
Correct. What I'm currently doing in my script is this:
      case $location[mer-kin outpost]:
         switch (get_property("merkinLockkeyMonster")) {
            case "mer-kin burglar":
               set_property("choiceAdventure312", "1");
            case "mer-kin raider":
               set_property("choiceAdventure312", "2");
            case "mer-kin healer":
               set_property("choiceAdventure312", "3");
For best results, I should be setting 313/314/315 %3+1 every time we go through the choiceadv. But that's something on the script side. :) The choiceadv matches with 312+get_property("choiceAdventure312").