Feature - Implemented Track Bugbear Bio-data


Just as we keep track of the cyrpt data displayed by the Evilometer, it would be great to track the bugbear bio-data displayed by the key-o-tron.

I think it is obvious how many different scripts might find this useful, from my own relay_AdventureAdvisor to bumcheekascend.


Active member
I would like to request addition of parsing of the key-o-tron in a similar way to the evilometer (i.e. a preference per bugbear type). That would be great.


I would like to request addition of parsing of the key-o-tron in a similar way to the evilometer (i.e. a preference per bugbear type). That would be great.

Post about that HERE. I'm trying to move us away from huge mega threads for new content that never get closed. Only the base features need to be in this thread to support the content, not the extras.


So there is, I totally missed that.

Shame you didn't notice it. I've (belatedly) moved our posts into the correct thread.

What sort of script were you going to use this for? I intend to add it into both AdventureAdvisor and Chit.
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Active member
It's for bumcheekascend. It is a feature that, as you pointed out in the first post, would be very useful for that script.
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For my part, I like to use my AdventureAdvisor to keep track of locations that might be helpful for ascension. It adds to the list as locations open up and removes them from the list once I've completed their purpose. I need this for that purpose.

The other use is less important to me, but Chit displays evilometer data in its quest tracker, so I figure I should provide key-o-tron data there once mafia makes it possible.


Staff member
I did my token Bugbear Invasion run to see what it was like and get what I wanted. It doesn't have anything close to the replay value of Axecore, in my opinion, so that will probably be it for me. I'm just gonna collect swagger for the next however many months, I figure.

Which is to say, I think this is a reasonable idea, but it won't be me adding it. Sorry!


Ohh, bummer. And I just added those preferences to control BCCascend's bugbear-hunting...

Well, they will eventually work. Right? You're just a little bit ahead of the times. I've added them to AdventureAdvisor also. ;)

if(get_property("biodataWasteProcessing").to_int() < 3)
	useful("Sleazy Back Alley", "scavenger bugbear bio-data");
if(get_property("biodataMedbay").to_int() < 3 && my_level() >= 2)
	useful("Spooky Forest", "hypodermic bugbear bio-data");
if(get_property("biodataSonar").to_int() < 3 && my_level() >= 4) {
	if(numeric_modifier("stench resistance") <= 0 && !have_skill($skill[Astral Shell]) && !have_skill($skill[Elemental Saucesphere]))
		useful("Bat Hole Entryway", "batbugbear bio-data");
	useful("Guano Junction", "batbugbear bio-data");
	useful("Batrat and Ratbat Burrow", "batbugbear bio-data");
	useful("Beanbat Chamber", "batbugbear bio-data");
if(get_property("biodataSonar").to_int() < 6 && my_level() >= 5)
	useful("Cobb's Knob Laboratory", "bugbear scientist bio-data");
if(get_property("biodataMorgue").to_int() < 6 ) {
	useful("Defiled Nook", my_level() >= 7, "bugaboo bio-data");
	useful("Pre-Cyrpt Cemetary", my_level() < 7, "bugaboo bio-data");
	useful("Post-Cyrpt Cemetary", get_property("questL07Cyrptic") == "finished", "bugaboo bio-data");
if(get_property("biodataSpecialOps").to_int() < 6 && my_level() >= 8)
	useful("Ninja Snowmen", "Black Ops Bugbear bio-data");
useful("Pirate's Cove", item_amount($item[flaregun]) < 1, "flaregun for Black Ops");
if(get_property("biodataEngineering").to_int() < 9 && my_level() >= 10)
	useful("Fantasy Airship", "Battlesuit Bugbear Type bio-data");
if(get_property("biodataNavigation").to_int() < 9 && item_amount($item[gallery key]) > 0)
	useful("Haunted Gallery", "ancient unspeakable bugbear bio-data");
if(get_property("biodataGalley").to_int() < 9 && my_level() >= 12)
	useful("Battlefield (Frat Uniform)", "trendy bugbear chef bio-data");
useful("Bugbear Bridge", item_amount($item[Jeff Goldblum larva]) > 0, "Defeat the Captain");


Staff member
Fixed in 11015. And tested this time. For some reason Firefox makes the HTML "cleaner" by adding quotes around attributes when you View Source.


Awesome. Thanks for this.

> pref bio

biodataEngineering (user: 0)
biodataGalley (user: 0)
biodataMedbay (user: 0)
biodataMorgue (user: 0)
biodataNavigation (user: 0)
biodataScienceLab (user: 0)
biodataSonar (user: 0)
biodataSpecialOps (user: 0)
biodataWasteProcessing (user: 0)

> use key-o

Using 1 key-o-tron...
Finished using 1 key-o-tron.

> pref bio

biodataEngineering (user: now '9', default 0)
biodataGalley (user: 0)
biodataMedbay (user: now '3', default 0)
biodataMorgue (user: now '6', default 0)
biodataNavigation (user: now '9', default 0)
biodataScienceLab (user: now '6', default 0)
biodataSonar (user: now '3', default 0)
biodataSpecialOps (user: now '6', default 0)
biodataWasteProcessing (user: now '3', default 0)


Active member
I'm not sure if this was included in your update (I fail at reading java code) but it appears that the preferences are only updated when using the key-o-tron and not when fighting the specific monster.
Do we want it to update when we kill a bugbear of the correct type (up to the max)?

The text when enough data has been collected is:
[TD] Your key-o-tron emits a short buzz, indicating that it  has already collected enough biometric data of this  type.


here's an idea: I don't know how hard it would be to implement.

What if the zones where the bugbears turn up, had a completed/still required overlay on their images in the relay browser in the same way as the isleWar zones do for completed as frat/hippy?

Maybe its a bit early in the morning for me to be having ideas though!


Staff member
I'm not sure if this was included in your update (I fail at reading java code) but it appears that the preferences are only updated when using the key-o-tron and not when fighting the specific monster.
Do we want it to update when we kill a bugbear of the correct type (up to the max)?

The text when enough data has been collected is:
Your key-o-tron emits a short buzz, indicating that it  has already collected enough biometric data of this  type.
It should update when you make progress by killing a bugbear. It doesn't update anything if you already killed all you needed and get the message you posted, since under normal circumstances it will already be up-to-date. If I hadn't messed up the matching in 11013, the values would have been updated as soon as you logged in with that version without you needing to be aware of it.

here's an idea: I don't know how hard it would be to implement.

What if the zones where the bugbears turn up, had a completed/still required overlay on their images in the relay browser in the same way as the isleWar zones do for completed as frat/hippy?

Maybe its a bit early in the morning for me to be having ideas though!
That sounds cool, but it seems like a lot of work. Mafia comes with each of those war island images, meaning someone had to take the time to make them (and it looks like that was done by JHunz for a greasemonkey script). That's over a hundred images, plus something that could be at the top of bathole.php and crypt.php to cover all of those zones.

Something could be put inside the bugbear ship like what's inside the crypt, but that doesn't really seem more accessible than just using the key-o-tron.


well, I had a look at the html, the bugbear ship actually uses absolute positioned divs, which means you could add elements to the div with a position:relative and z-index making them an actual overlay, unfortunately the other zone images are in table cells so would be a little more difficult, i'll see what time I have at the weekend!


I had a little play, (this is just with firebug, not anything like an implementation.)


by inserting an absolutely positioned span into an absolutely positioned div positions the span reletave to the parent a la image above (should work with a relative in and absolute parent too)

<div style="position: absolute; top: 365; left: 97;" id="bb_science">
	<a href="adventure.php?snarfblat=284"><img width="58" height="80" border="0" title="Science Lab (1)" alt="Science Lab (1)" src="/images/otherimages/bugbear/sciencelab.gif"></a>

<div style="position: absolute; top: 365; left: 97;" id="bb_science">
	<a href="adventure.php?snarfblat=284"><img width="58" height="80" border="0" title="Science Lab (1)" alt="Science Lab (1)" src="/images/otherimages/bugbear/sciencelab.gif"></a>
	<span style="position:absolute; bottom:10px; left:25px; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px;  color:red;">0/6</span>