Feature - Implemented Toggle Auto-Ode to Booze


New member
r9884 added the ability for Mafia to auto-cast ode if you know it, have enough MP and an accordion, and are not in ronin/HC. It does not ask for confirmation to do so.

Usually, this is convenient. However, there are still some situations in which you would not want to cast Ode, even if you satisfy all the above requirements.

My situation, specifically, is that yesterday I was trying to extend turns of In Your Cups by drinking Temps Tempranillo. I had shrugged all my buffs but In Your Cups, as Temps will extend one of your buffs, randomly. (So in only having one buff, it would automatically extend the one I wanted).

I had just eaten some thyme donuts, and everything worked as expected. However, after drinking 3 Temps (which should have extended Cups by 15 turns) I had... 5 more turns of Cups and 17 turns of Ode (So, 10 turns from the Temps, 10 turns from being auto-cast by a RnR Legend, minus 3 for drinking 3 one-drunkeness boozes).


Ideally (in my opinion) there would be a checkbox on the consumption pane for auto-ode. Perhaps it could even go so far as to restore MP (if what you have isn't sufficient) - just basically the same behavior as the "Cast Ode" button, but automatically.

While my situation isn't the most common, such a feature would also save the inconvenience of queuing up a bunch of booze and then having the queue clear because your MP was low, so it asked for confirmation of drinking without Ode, and you reasonably said "no".

I feel like, if implemented, this could also be extended to milk and eating, and save that same inconvenience of the queue clearing.
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Staff member
Actually, this has been a feature of KoLmafia for many years; revision 9884 changed it to only happen when you are out of Ronin.

We already don't ask about Ode if you are drinking a Steel Margarita. I'd prefer to have Temps Tempranillo also be excluded, than add a new checkbox.


Does it? I don't think I would expect that; I would normally want to have Ode running when I drank my nightcap, so as to have extra adventures the next day.

I never ran into it as I habitually cast Ode manually before overdrinking my nightcap anyway; I just used overdrink to override the Are you sure? confirmation.


Active member
The overdrink command is the equivalent of the eatsilent command, in that it won't ask you for confirmation, it just goes. As memory serves, it skips ode, allowing people who want to skip it during early fist runs, etc, to have the ability to automate their booze...

Edit: From the UseItemRequest file:
// If user specifically said not to worry about ode, don't nag
// Actually, this overloads the "allowed to overdrink" flag.
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New member
Don't Auto-Ode when drinking Temps

I suggested adding a toggle for auto-ode a couple years ago, and it was dismissed (rightfully).

However, I once again came across the same behavior that inspired the first post - trying to extend one effect, I removed everything else and drank a couple temps... The result being that I then had 19 adventures of Ode (10 cast + 5 from each of the Temps) and the same amount of adventures of the desired effect as I had started with.

One suggestion that was made was instead to add Temps to the list of drinks that doesn't auto-Ode. This would allow people to use Temps effectively without having to remember to use a special command to do so. I'd love to see this implemented.

Thanks for your consideration.


Staff member
Merged these threads. It looks like not auto-casting ode for Temps Tempranillo is the way to go, and the best way to handle that is probably to refactor the code a little. Except the function that I was going to refactor is also used by cafes, which means there aren't real items being consumed.


New member
Thanks, given the age of the thread, I wasn't sure whether to update or start a new one.

It's an edge case, certainly, but I can't see people drinking Temps for adventures instead of the extension, in situations where the autocast of ode would kick in.

Thyme jelly donuts might benefit from the same treatment, though I haven't had problems, per se, with them (other than remembering that for once, I actually don't want to use some milk first - but that's more my brain going on autopilot... :))