Bug - Fixed Tinkering ingredient requirements somehow duplicated


New member

I bought all the base components for a clockwork doohickey and used it, and it still bought more parts. Trying to figure out what happened, here's a demonstration of CLI commands that get the inventory out of sync (I've removed newlines from the 'inv' command results):

> inv spring; inv sprocket; inv flange; inv cog; inv clockwork doohickey
spring (5) sprocket (6) flange (6) cog (14)
> make clockwork doohickey
Verifying ingredients for clockwork doohickey (1)...
Creating 1 clockwork doohickey...
You acquire an item: clockwork doohickey
Successfully created clockwork doohickey (1)
> inv spring; inv sprocket; inv flange; inv cog; inv clockwork doohickey
spring (3) sprocket (4) flange (4) cog (14) clockwork doohickey
> refresh inv
Updating inventory...
Requests complete.
> inv spring; inv sprocket; inv flange; inv cog; inv clockwork doohickey
spring (4) sprocket (5) flange (5) cog (14) clockwork doohickey

Notice how the act of tinkering removed twice the items from my claimed inventory, and then a refresh got it correct again - which indicates why more items were bought - I had the right amount of each item, then the craft step had to buy a second set of each, use the first, and leave me with the second set unused on an inventory refresh.

I'm at something of a loss for an explanation as to why this would happen, though.


New member
Far be it from me to speculate or make anything up, but the debug log makes it look like the item count is decremented once at the very, very start, and then once after the HTML is retrieved with the response.

Therefore, it may be linked to can't tinker those in the following way:

You only have the two of an item you need. You try to craft using 1, but the doubling issue here means the inv thinks you have 0 left, and therefore you get a 'can't tinker those' from the fact you apparently don't have the required ingredients remaining when calling the tinker the second time?
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