TheSea.ash - Automated Underwater Quests

Okay, new version, finally. We've hit version 1.0 and the sushi mat and diving helmet are added. Otherwise, I think we've managed to exhaust what's known about the Sea, and I've managed to get all the undersea skills permed on most of my characters, so I'm satisfied.
Okay, new version, finally. We've hit version 1.0 and the sushi mat and diving helmet are added. Otherwise, I think we've managed to exhaust what's known about the Sea, and I've managed to get all the undersea skills permed on most of my characters, so I'm satisfied.

That's great! I admit that between Crimbo and Boris, I haven't spent any time post prism to help test. Plus, now that I have all the skills, I only ever open the Sea if I plan to spend at least a few days farming there and I dislike farming anyway. That all said, I'm excited to try the script sometime. Thanks for your efforts.
Welcome. Yeah, most of mine are done now, so that saves the 50k meat that I spend on fish juice boxes to lazily get underwater adventuring with minimal penalties. :D Hoping that if we get more people finishing this up, they'll either add more or hint to let us know how to wake up grandma...
I did run into a problem where counter checker stopped the script and then I had to set the sea completion back to zero. Otherwise I haven't had a problem with this script. :)
Yeah, I had it screw me up once, but wasn't able to replicate it well, so... :( If I can replicate the problem, I can fix it. Without knowing exactly what happened when to break it...
Huh... didn't notice earlier, but their wet changes began about a year after this script hit stable release.

Anyways, we'll see how much automation we get to throw at this when mafia gets all the basic handling in... not too much I can do until (at very least) the shops work.
Theraze, do you think you'll be working on this any time soon? I was thinking of doing this this weekend, but wanted to check if you were halfway through or anything.
Was thinking of doing it after AoJ switches over to the new challenge in the next day or two, since it usually takes mafia a few days before things stop major-breaking. If you want to start, go ahead, but there might be something in the next few days. :) Just depends how happy my brain goes. And my AoJ BCA runs go. :)
Well, fixed a bug where, if you ran out of adventures part-way through the script execution, it marks you as having completed everything. Oops.

Will be working on updating this once I can buff myself to where finishing things is possible. Might actually be faster if I run BIG! first, but... eh, we'll keep struggling for at least a few days first before giving up. :)
Little word on my current plannings, including the problems I'm looking into.

1) Mom will probably be Monkee step 5. She is the final resident and optional besides, so she makes a good stopping point on that entry.
2) The outfit quest will be another entry with its own steps, only taken after the Monkee quest is completed, and only if the Monkee quest is at least set to step 4. Not entirely sure what to call it yet, since officially it's a continuation of the whole SM quest, but... I'll come up with something. Or accept some random person's suggestion. :)
3) Mafia doesn't appear to currently track (or set choiceAdventure312, for making it REALLY easy) who dropped the lockbox. This leaves me with four major options.
A) Wait until mafia tracks it.
B) Adventure once at a time anytime we're in the outpost and check last_monster() anytime the lockkey drops. This changes Grandma's quest step as well, since that's actually when mine dropped. Problem with this is tied into dolphin thieves and afterAdventureScripts... if you whistle for a thief, that's your last monster, not the actual right one. Grr.
C) Override normal combat at the outpost with manually healing to given values, running before-battle script, visit_url to adventure, run_combat() or adv1 if it's NC, check for lockbox and mark variable if found, run after-Adventure script.
D) Abort the script anytime the lockkey is found in inventory and provide directions to the user on how to set the value based on whatever they see as the responsible monster.

Item 1 will probably be out within the next day or two. It's basically just buying the black glass and running adventures there, which you can either beat or you can't. Haven't seen anything saying that the "run from all combat" that will get you through 90% of the early sea doesn't work there, so lazy people should still have that option for collecting Mom. Since you do get the sand dollars refunded, we'll probably just buy any additional sand dollars needed, since you can immediately flip them on the market if you aren't going to use them for the skate park and its 15/30 sand dollars per day buff.

The second bit will need to wait for a number 3 decision. Thoughts? A or D are the most reliable and least likely to cause problems, but I'd prefer not aborting if there's any good alternative. B would cause problems for me, since I'm one of those odd people who has both a BBS and AAS that will whistle, in case I forgot or manually did one side or the other. :) C is just... ugly. But it should work.


Edit: Currently thinking temple, deepcity, or city Quest/Step. So each would look like seafloor_templeQuest = 4, seafloor_templeStep = 7.
Quest sets which path to follow.
0 means you're indecisive and want to abort when it's time to decide. I'm fine with that.
1 means you want the fighting path.
2 means you want the thinking path.
3 means you want the final path.
4 means you want to do whichever path you need the gear for. If you have the fighting gear, do scholar. If you have the final gear, do that. If you don't have the final gear, do whichever of the first two paths you don't have 2 of yet, but prioritizing one of each. I won't combine your items automatically until you have a spare.
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So people can set monkeeQuest to 3 instead of 4 or 5 if they wanted. But that's on the user, so... :)

Anyways, here's version 1.2 which includes unlocking Mom. We use visit_url to get the black glass rather than buy, since mafia doesn't handle the 'purchase' properly. :) We're using retrieve_item for the 13 sand dollars needed. Yell if anyone notices problems.

Edit: My current plan on getting the lockkey involves setting the right first adventure and forcing the second adventure to choice 1, and then doing choice 2 +=1 every time it goes through that adventure again. Though we can't really do that until we figure out how we're detecting the right first adventure.
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I'm happy you are working on this. I'm currently working through it with the help of the wiki and I can safely say that I would never have figured that out on my own. I didn't even think to click on the currents to get further when I had tamed my seahorse...
When I did buy(1, $item[black glass]), mafia did nothing, whether my amount of available sand dollars was 12 or 13.
Steps run:
1) With 12 sand dollars in inventory, ashq buy(1, $item[black glass]). Nothing happens.
2) Buy another sand dollar from the mall.
3) With 13 sand dollars in inventory, ashq buy(1, $item[black glass]). Nothing happens.
4) Buy the black glass using the mini-browser to get the right URL.
5) Put that string into visit_url with a cli_execute("refresh inv") to make it actually show the new item after purchase.
6) Test it on a different character that hadn't bought the black glass yet. Success.

So... mini-browser to the rescue. Mafia might be choking because it 'costs' 13 sand dollars, but they're immediately refunded. It's also possible that the problem is buy v. create, since it's a coinmaster. :) But currently all of the purchases being done with this script are done through visit_url, such as this:
and this:
and this:
Can you "buy" other items from coinmasters? I haven't actually used coinmasters outside of the GUI.

Mafia knows that black glass costs 13 sand dollars. It doesn't know that they are refunded, and it doesn't need to know that.
Depends on the circumstances. Since it's a quest item, that's probably the issue. But hey, that's something for the next time I get near there... can check if create(1, $item[black glass]) makes it happen instead. If so, will probably convert the other 3 of those visit_urls.

But to keep from overfarming sand dollars on unlocking the skate park or das boot or whatever, will still be needing to refresh inv if mafia ends up out of sync due to believing it's 13 sand dollars short. Will see what it does when we get there again. Maybe we'll end up with a 1.2.1, maybe not. :)
Nifty. Does take care of both sides:
> ashq create(1, $item[black glass])

Verifying ingredients for black glass (1)...
Purchasing black glass (1 @ 13 sand dollars)...
Visiting the Big Brother...
You acquire an item: black glass
You acquire sand dollar (13)
Big Brother successfully looted!
Successfully created black glass (1)
Okay. All 4 locations have been updated to use create. Also, fixed the version number... that had somehow slipped through. *coughs* :)