New Content - Implemented The Source


At the end of day one, thoughts on what we might want to handle :

Count of agent's defeated (Agent stats are Att/Def = 30 + 30 x Agents Defeated + ML, HP = 40 + 40 x Agents Defeated + ML, Init: 25 + 25 x Agents Defeated. Edit: Latency debuffs Agents Defeated x 3 stats and Agents Defeated elemental vulnerability). (done)
Track Enlightenment. (done)
Remove No Spoon when it isn't handed over. (done)
No Spoon quest tracking. (done)
No stat gain from Food/Booze/Spleen. (done)
No wand needed. (done)
Source skills not permable. (done)
Set sourcePoints on liberating king. (done)
Spade and implement statgain from Agent. (done)
Don't show skills that don't work against Agents when fighting Agents (if KoL doesn't implement this first). (done)
Agent "wanderer" counter. (done)
One third normal statgain from ML, Volleyball, Sombrero, +stats and monsters. (done)
Last edited:
Will add those to the list (and we should set food/booze/spleen stat gain to zero).
Agent will take some serious spading I suspect. Does it not count adventuring for no spoon, or not count those areas regardless of whether there is a spoon or not.
The feature I most need added to help with my scripts is a preference for current enlightenment points. This is important to me.

After that, I'd like to have information on the current Oracle quest. Am I currently looking for no spoon and if so, where won't I find that spoon.
Can this be predicted by the frequency and opacity of the code rain?

Quite possibly. Here's the code for the rain:
jQuery(function ($) {
	var randit = function (l, h) {
		return l + Math.floor(Math.random() * (h-l));
	var rchar = function () { return String.fromCharCode(randit(33,126)); };
	var bloobs = [];
	setInterval(function () {
		var b = $('<div></div>')
			width: '30px',
			position: 'fixed',
			top: '0%',
			left: randit(0,98) + '%',
			color: 'green',
		b.animate({top: '100%', opacity: 0}, randit(1500, 5000), function () {
	}, 2000);
	setInterval(function () {
			var remove = [];
			for (var i=0; i<bloobs.length; i++) {
					if (bloobs[i].parents().length == 0) remove.push(i);
					else {
			for (i=(remove.length-1); i>=0; i--) {
				bloobs.splice(remove[i], 1);
	}, 100);

The first interval gradually decreases from 2000; when the agent arrived, it was at 200, though it doesn't (necessarily) arrive as soon as it hits 200. That looks to be the only change to the code.
Thanks to you I've added some agent prediction ability to my fight.ash relay override!

buffer source(buffer page) {
	string agent;
	matcher interval = create_matcher("}, (\\d+)\\);\\s*setInterval", page);
	if(interval.find()) {
		agent =;
	} else
		agent = "?";
	int x = page.index_of("<center><!--faaaaaaart--><table");
	if(x > 0)
		page.insert(x, "<center><b>Time to Agent: "+agent+"</b></center>");
	return page;
An effect gained when attacked by an Agent.

2102 Latency badsignal.gif      77f7332e050672d9a560d2af05fbad18
# Effect Latency: Tragic Hot      Vulnerability (-4)
# Effect Latency: Tragic Cold Vulnerability (-4)
#      Effect Latency: Tragic Spooky Vulnerability (-4)
# Effect Latency:      Tragic Stench Vulnerability (-4)
# Effect Latency: Tragic Sleaze      Vulnerability (-4)
Effect Latency Muscle: -12, Mysticality: -12, Moxie:      -12
I'm not really sure what should be done to warn users about incoming Agents... We're used to using a counter for wandering monster, but using a counter doesn't work properly for Agents.
  • Agents are not advanced by non-combats.
  • Agents are not advanced by fights when hunting for no spoons.
  • Agents are advanced by 0 turn fights in the Machine Tunnels, Witchess and Snojo.

It seems to me that we need a new mechanic to be created. It would displays like a counter in the charpane, but the time value would not advance with any relation to turns spent. It would count down based on parsing the interval information from fights without regards to actual adventures spent.

How hard would that be to implement? Does anyone else have any other ideas to present?
As I progress more on this path it is getting clear that predicting when an agent is coming is very useful. They remind me of those stupid storm cows. In reverse, because I need lots of MP.
Not sure if i should post this here or make a bug thread since it is a bug but it occurs in this path.

I already had the boring clip and i got McClusky file (page 5) on the same fight that i got the agent fight. Mafia tried to create McClusky file (complete), failed since i was still in combat, waiting to kill the agent, gave a "Creation failed, no results detected." message, then kept thinking i no longer had a boring clip.