The Newb and the Vacation Script


New member
Hello all! I would just like to preface by saying you are all wonderful human beings.

I need help with just one line of my CLI-based vacation script. Please note that I am not well-trained enough to use real ash programming like the works of Veracity, Bale, lostcalpolydude, et al.

shower cold
create 3 bucket of wine
buy 2 milk of magnesium
use 2 milk of magnesium
eat 3 bat wing chow mein
equip tuxedo shirt
cast 2 The Ode to Booze
buy 4 rockin' wagon
drink 4 rockin' wagon
drink 1 Supernova Champagne
use 3 agua de vida
outfit VACATION1
aa Combat Macro (VACATION1)
use 5 transporter transponder
enthrone Li'l Xenomorph
familiar Baby Sandworm
goal add +5 agua de vida
adventure * Hamburglaris Shield Generator
enthrone Knob Goblin Organ Grinder
familiar Li'l Xenomorph
goal add +5 transporter transponder
adventure * Hamburglaris Shield Generator
familiar Llama Lama
enthrone Li'l Xenomorph
goal add +5 llama lama gong
adventure * Hamburglaris Shield Generator
familiar Rogue Program
goal add +5 Game Grid token
adventure * Hamburglaris Shield Generator
familiar Angry Jung Man
goal add +1 psychoanalytic jar
adventure * Hamburglaris Shield Generator
familiar Unconscious Collective
goal add +5 Unconscious Collective Dream Jar
adventure * Hamburglaris Shield Generator
familiar Stocking Mimic
adventure * Hamburglaris Shield Generator
outfit VACATION2
aa Combat Macro (VACATION2)
enthrone Knob Goblin Organ Grinder
adventure * Top Floor
cast 1 The Ode to Booze
drink 1 bucket of wine
maximize adv

That single red line there is where I'm having trouble. I was hoping the auto-stop from the lack of turns available in "Dad, I'm in Space!" would cause the CLI to move to the next line in my script. However, this is not the case and I cannot find on the Mafia Wiki - under CLI reference - any command that will help me. This is most likely the newbness that is causing me to not see the solution. Or how to properly seek the solution in the search command in this forum.

From what I've seen in this forum and these threads, is that I might have to set a goal to get around the auto-stop. However, I don't know how to create the command line instruction. I've thought of typing in: "Adventure until I can't anymore in this location," and then Mafia would give me a return that says: "What is wrong with you?"

I would be very grateful if any of you know what the proper line should be to say, "Use up my remaining adventures in Hamburglaris, then move on to Giant Castle (Top Floor)." Please note that ash scripts kick my ash.

"this episode brought to you by the letter SWEATY"
"the word SWEATY is not a letter"


Running out of turns of transpondent is not an autostop. That's why it doesn't work. I'd do it like this:

ash adventure(have_effect($effect[Transpondent]), $location[Hamburglaris Shield Generator]);

I can't figure out how to do that in CLI, but you can run a line of ash inside of a CLI script if you preface the line with "ash" like I did there.


Active member
I think you could also do this:
try ; adventure * Hamburglaris Shield Generator

That should simply ignore the error condition and continue with the script.


New member
Dear Bale: Lo and behold, it freakin' worked! Thank you ever so much!

Dear xKiv: Your solution is also next. Why? FOR SCIENCE! Also because I respect anyone who goes out of their way to help me.

I would consider this problem solved, and when I come back after trying xKiv's solution, we can call this thread double solved.

educational electrotherapy


I found xKiv's solution interesting because I don't do much CLI scripting. It sounds like a good idea to me and more aesthetically pleasing since it allows you to keep your script 100% CLI.

I look forward to hearing that xKiv's solution works as expected.


New member
Dear xKiv: Lo and behold, it freakin' worked! Thank you ever so much!

Dear Bale: Yes, it does work!

Of course, after xKiv's suggestion, I did a text-find in the CLI Reference part of the Wiki. And there it was. Line 9. And also referenced in the "Scripting" part of the page. Once I saw that, it was like getting an ice-cream headache without the ice-cream. I read over those two so many times.

Well, thank you both, and here's hoping my thread and your efforts can help others.

I'm drinking a Screaming Yellow Monkey in celebration. Thanks again!

the meaning of life has something to do with sandwiches
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