The Acquire command

Isn't it supposed to check my inventory and closet before buying from the mall? My acquire command in my script bought a whole new Knob Elite guard uniform instead of removing it from my closet. I'm using build r8763 if that make a difference.


Staff member
On the "create" tab of the item manager, check the "use closet" checkbox. Otherwise, KoLmafia assumes you put things in the closet to keep it from using them for any reason.

Yes, I know: we should probably move that setting to the Preferences.


Yes, I know: we should probably move that setting to the Preferences.

No! Please don't! There are already so many settings in preferences that I cannot find them. If you want to put more stuff in preferences, you'd need to overhaul the interface.


Active member
At least 8 of the options on the general tab could be moved to an "Items" menu. Cache mall search terms (item acquisition related), sanity checking on items (3 options), item counts, and 3 acquisition values. Sharing mall price info could be considered related as well. That would clean the 'general' page up a fair bit and hopefully make things easier to find.