Thank you!


Hey guys, it's been a long time since I last posted here, but I just wanted to thank everyone who is still around from when this forum first started up. I've always loved coding, and although I never took any classes or official learning-type things for any languages, I'm at least half-way decent at it (getting better)...

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks, because everyone here has been able to help me increase my knowledge of scripting in general just by helping me understand ASH scripting. The people on this forum provide excellent documentation of what their script does, plenty of comments, answers to questions the users of the script might have, and even assistance to their fellow scripters. I hope everyone else realizes what a great community this is!

I had taken about a year or so off from KoL, and came back recently to see if things were still awesome (they are). In doing so, of course I came back here to check out all the nifty scripts that have been added in my absence. I am absolutely blown away by most of these additions.

I feel the need to give additional credit to Zarqon - I am simply in awe of the amazing things you have done with the scripting features that have been added. The simple, yet flexible scripts you've written have REALLY helped me learn tons of new things about ASH, as well as helping me understand similar functions in other scripting languages.

I hope no one else takes offense to not being mentioned, because believe me, there are quite a few of you that I have great respect for, and you all have my thanks as well.

So, yeah... I <3 you all!


Well-known member
Awwww! Warm fuzzies all around! Thanks for your thoughtful, positive, and encouraging remarks.

Are you looking to jump into scripting again? If so, I look forward to your contributions to this great community.


Awwww! Warm fuzzies all around!

Easy for you to say! You're the only one mentioned by name! *sniff* *sniff*

Ah well, I can see why zarqon deserved special mention even though I'm jealous as all hell right now. :) I hope to see much more of you, muffins.


Well-known member
Well then! More name-dropping!

I wish to thank hippymon, izchak, degrassi, and Jason for being ridiculously helpful in my learning what can be done with the ASH language. Most of them don't seem to be around anymore to hear my praise, unfortunately.

Serious thanks also to Bale for taking a load off the devs by writing (and supporting) the best automated recovery available. I'm excited to watch UR and BatMan play together.

Bale deserves further mention -- he has probably answered more questions here than anyone. He is proactive in helping neophytes, suggesting improvements to scripts, and optimizing code. I like him.

Thanks to Rinn for sharing his extraordinarily useful automatic update utility and his outstanding autoBasement script. His suggestions have always been insightful.

Thanks to dj_d for making it public knowledge that there is no task too large for ASH to handle. I remain impressed by his willingness to tackle the holy grail of ASH scripting.

Thanks to Dangerpin, Spiny, kain, and aqualectrix for being some of the most encouraging and reasonable people on the forum. (And now you, muffins.) I have at various points been impressed by the helpfulness and geniality of your contributions.

Thanks to anyone who has ever edited the ASH Wiki, or contributed to a data file on the Map Manager.

Of course, none of this would be possible without our beloved devs -- hola, Veracity, and Jason. It goes without saying -- but that's why I'm saying it again: thank you so very much for your work in creating this tool. The existence of this quality community is evidence of the quality of your work.

And now I'm sure I've left some people out. Anyone care to add more?


Easy for you to say! You're the only one mentioned by name! *sniff* *sniff*

Ah well, I can see why zarqon deserved special mention even though I'm jealous as all hell right now. :) I hope to see much more of you, muffins.

Of course you're included, Bale! I still remember when you came out with the first version of the universal recovery script. Zarqon covered most, if not all, the others who certainly are included in the thanks.

Sorry for the delay in response, too, just got back from a brief vacation, so I'm all bleh and such still.

I am indeed debating getting back into scripting, though to be honest, I'm not sure where I would start, since it seems almost everything has been done at this point... I write them as the need arises, and if I find anything new to write, I'll definitely share!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some KoL to catch up on!

Thanks again!