Tavern question


I know this sounds stupid, but how does the Tavern Script (CLI?) work? I've tried finding documentation on how it works, how it determines the coordinates, etc. I can't find any documentation. Does it use a full 25 adventures? Does it stop when it finds the faucet? In the Prefs_****.txt file there is "tavernLayout=0101101001002131001000001".... I figured 1 and 0 are for the "non-important" spots, but is the faucet 2 or 3? Is there a way to have it read where the baron is and attack?

Personally I prefur to use my own code to do things, but I just cant figure out how this one works, or in the worse case how to access what the current tavern one does. Heck it would even be nice to have it figure out how to grind for whiskers (dunno just sounds fun)

Anyone have any help for me?
It randomly chooses squares until it finds the faucet. It stops when it finds the faucet. If you continue exploring by hand afterwards, it continues to record what's in those squares.

0: unexplored
1: rat square
2: booze square
3: faucet
4: baron von ratsworth
I could have sworn there was an ASH script someone had written that farmed certain squares. But I can't seem to find it anywhere...*shrug*