Bug - Not A Bug Tables in the gCLI mutliplying

What generated that output? Repeatedly running some script? My first thought is that the script didn't close some tag and the HTML parsing isn't handling it gracefully, but that seems like it could be dependent on Java version. That's mostly just a guess though.
That was generated by the Advanced Inventory Spoilers script. The same thing happens with modtrace and other internal KoLmafia commands that produce tables in the gCLI, though.

I'm running Java SE 8 - really ought to update to 8u5 XD
It sure isn't listed as a "development release" anywhere on Oracle's TechNetwork site.
Oracle's TechNetwork is for developers and says as much, but you are correct. It doesn't make it clear at all that Java 8 is for developers and a Google search can take you straight to that download page without any indication. It's not the first on Google and if you start with downloads on Oracle it takes you to 7 on java.com, but from what I saw, I think we should be expecting lots of people to start installing it with realizing what they are getting.
Newer Java 7 breaks various sites and programs because Oracle decided to not let people choose whether they trust their programs or not. I saw 7u51 compared to Y2K for Java...

As mafia is built for Java 5, it works perfectly in its chosen target. If you choose to update to a non-compatible Java, things will break.
I think the problem here is that 7u60 is now the most up to date, official release. For users who have Java auto-update (or for those where auto-update is mandated by IT policy), they will experience this. Sooner or later this will be most users.
It's a shame that we can't do anything about bugs in Java of this sort.
Or do you have a suggestion?
yea... I dunno what to do. Other than add a disclaimer to print_html() or figure out what is wrong with the java output and rewrite/hack print_html() to spit out something that looks more correct.
Probably the former. Mostly to avoid an influx of more bug reports.
If anything, I would suggest a warning when using a version of Java that is known to cause problems on the login screen. Don't do a pop-up or anything else annoying, just have it display that their version of Java is known to cause issues. In this case, that would be any version of Java 7u60 or higher, which includes any 8 version.

Besides that, we could also put a sticky post at the top of the bug board with known new bugs caused by Java which will continue to be there until people either roll back or we get to bump mafia to be Java 6 compatible. But until then, those breakages will stay broken...

If ckb is using Windows, could use the compiled native builds that don't need Java. That would fix the problem, and also run faster...
http://sourceforge.net/projects/kolmafia/files/Excelsior JET Nightly/
I would look into updating mafia to somehow handle the change (without negatively affecting people using older versions of Java, of course), but I have no idea where to start.
There is no guarantee that you CAN do anything to "somehow handle this change"; KoLmafia generates correct, properly formatted HTML tables and if Java decides to print multiple tables from the single "<table>...</table>" directive, that is a Java bug, pure and simple.