Sugar Shield Shattered


I currently am using mafia and SmartStatis.ash to farm (it requires FirstThingsFirst.ash and zlib.ash)

It beautifully farms with only one issue which I can't figure out how to fix. I am using a Hobo Monkey with sugar shield as the equipment. When the shield shatters mafia stops. That's fine, but I have other shields and sheets in inventory. I'd like for it to just re-equip with a new one. It would be really nice if it would also create a new sheild from a sheet also. Basically I'm looking for mafia to:

When sugar sheild shatters then
if sugar shield in inventory - equip
else if sugar sheet in inventory - make shield & equip
else buy cheapest sheet in mall & make shield & equip

I have no idea how to program that in mafia. I am fine with simply ensuring I have shields to equip and not need the if's, but that is my end goal if possible. I have the tome and create my 3 with breakfast everyday anyway, and generally buy them in bulk if I'm low. When I buy them I make shields out of them until tired of clicking usually lots of 50 or so at a time. Meaning all I really NEED is for mafia to reequip a new shield when one shatters and continue with the farming, but I'd like for it to do the rest if needed.

Any help out there?


I never even noticed the ITEM tab on there before. Thanks.

Just to verify, I would want to choose "acquire & re-equip" to do what I described in the OP?

Also am I decrypting the choices correctly by thinking that "equip previous" and "re-equip or previous" means in this case to equip the most recently used familiar equipment before the one that just broke?


Well-known member
Yes, "acquire and re-equip" should do what you want.

I'm not 100% sure that mafia would buy sugar sheets in this situation, since sugar shields are untradeable. Try it out. If not, you can just do an "acquire X sugar sheet" before adventuring for the day.

I've never used "equip previous" but I suspect you're right.