string manipulation...


I have looked all over the wiki and I can't seem to figure out if there is a way to make any of the sub string searching functions case insensitive. Nor can I find a way to convert all the letters in a string to lower or uppercase. Is there any functionality to do these things?

It isn't so much of a big deal right now... just an inconvenience that I have to make sure to call my script with Moxie instead of moxie and all what not... I just wanted to check here to see if maybe there was some "Secret" function to do this.
When typing "ashref string" into the gCLI it rturned:
#This should solve your "change case" problem.
string to_lower_case( string )
string to_upper_case( string )

#This is just the 2 differing substring searches....
string substring( string, int )
string substring( string, int, int )