Strange behavior in moods when using Phials

Hello everyone.

I was trying to set a Mafia mood to collect scarehobo parts from Hobopolis automatically, without a lot of user intervention. This is what I did:

I created a new mood (Scarehobos) and set the following conditions:

When Hotform ends, use 1 Phial of Coldness
When Coldform ends, use 1 Phial of Stench
When Stenchform ends, use 1 Phial of Spookyness
When Spookyform ends, use 1 Phial of Sleaziness

The way I had figured it, it would start by manually using one Phial of Hotness (thus invoking Hotform) and then adventure 75 times (15 for each potion) in the town square, overkilling hobos on the way and getting 15 of each elemental piece. I figured that I might leave the skins for last, since I have to buff up to overkill hobos with raw damage.

Anyways, when I start the script, it uses one SGEEA to actually REMOVE hotform and then uses one phial of stench. I never let it progress past that, but... what am I doing wrong? :(


It's wrong to think of mood triggers in terms of "when <effect> ends"; they're actually "when I have 0 or 1 turn left of <effect>". That's initially true for three of your four triggers, so all three will attempt to execute - with poor results, since you cannot have more than one phial effect active at a time. Basically, what you're trying to do cannot be done with a mood.

I have a scarehobo script (in the Turn-Burning Scripts section) that you might want to look at.
Yeah, I actually saw that, and was planning on using that as soon as I get home (I'm in GMT+1, it's a working hour for me now). I just wanted to understand a little better where had I gone wrong. Thanks for your answer, I have it figured down now :)