Feature - Rejected Stats too low feedback


Could Mafia please tell me what stats I need for a zone when it tells me: Your stats are too low for this location.


Hrmm I think it's KoL that tells you your stats are too low. If adventuring in the relay browser you would see what stat is necessary. Frankly, I don't automate in-run so I'm not sure what mafia states in such a situation, but you can always defer to the relay browser to see for yourself as it should not cost an adventure to go somewhere that you can't adventure. An example in the relay browser for the Haunted Bedroom is:

If you don't have 85 in your primary stat you will get the message:

    You feel a chill run down your spine as you near the Haunted Bedroom. Then you realize that it wasn't a chill, but a spider. You get really freaked out, and can't go any further. 

    (You must have at least 85 <Main Stat> to adventure here.)


I was referring to the "Your stats are too low for this location" message which I could get around by loading up a relay browser window (as suggested) but I don't tend to use the relay browser when automated a lot of stuff on alts that I'm not trying to be particularly efficient on.