Feature Statistics tracking, fork bstats. A thought.


This has come to mind now and again, I would love to see statistics on scripts and mafia installations.

That site is open source and can be forked, rewritten to be for mafia and it's scripts. Should be simple enough.

In the interest of privacy, this should be easily opt out. There's no confidential information uploaded, except the uuid.

And although it does inform what scripts you have installed, only the names of the scripts installable through the repo file will be uploaded. Your third party repos or internal scripts, at most would be reduced to a number representing third party scripts. So 12. That's all we know. 12.

Then you have individual pages on the site for every of those scripts. It could be automatically generated.

I was thinking
- revision version
- how many people run it today
- how many new installs
- how many have it installed

Then you have the global statistics page for mafia.

How many are custom builds
Number Pie graph of users per computer logged in today (only number is uploaded)
Revision number
Possibly a graph breakdown in years of the average user account age

There's plenty more that could be tracked, but I want to emphasize that above all, this data should always be anonymous. You can't tell who is the one that claims to be running 34 accounts on a single computer. You don't need to be worried your secret farming script in a secret github repo will be leaked and people can now compete.

No one wants to be tracked, and this should reflect that.

This is also more of a thought, as I don't believe anyone has a serious interest in making this possible. And that the tracking, anonymous as it should be; Already may cross some people's boundaries.


Staff member
No context for me since I could not even define what a Bukkit, Spigot, Bungeecord or Sponge plugin is or does.

The privacy concerns can be addressed by not collecting any data. There is the usual trust issue as well - what does the collector have to do to make me trust them.

I note the existence of Excavator and wonder if any of these metrics would be useful enough to collect with Excavator. Excavator is opt-in although there are some scripts that use it and don't AFAIK provide a means to opt out.