stannius' semi-automatic spaaace script

When going for the Unit, the script only ran with 1 adv. Restarting the script it also ran with just 1 adv. I ended up manually doing the adv until I got the Porko-minigame.
It might thus be a better idea to check for the parts of the unit (and the unit) rather than relying on the quest log.

I already have code to do that (sort of)
    if (contains_text(questLogPage1,"Find and repair the shield generator on Hamburglaris."))
        AssertHasItem($item[E.M.U. Unit]);
AssertHasItem aborts if the item is missing. Not graceful but it shouldn't burn all your adventures.

The problem, as per the bug report, is that mafia's internal state thinks you have the Unit, so this check will pass. I'll see if I can check for lack of the constituent items. (Assuming mafia detects the gain thereof.)

When going for the Unit, the script only ran with 1 adv. Restarting the script it also ran with just 1 adv. I ended up manually doing the adv until I got the Porko-minigame.

Odd... I'll check it out when the kingdom comes back up...
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Yeah, and now it should detect the loss again so that code should work. The problem is if the script somehow manages to lose three times in the porko game the quest log will still show that you have gotten that far and if you don't have the unit the script will then exit rather than try again.
Also: I think a better solution might be to make sure it doesn't lose three times :)
Yeah, and now it should detect the loss again so that code should work. The problem is if the script somehow manages to lose three times in the porko game the quest log will still show that you have gotten that far and if you don't have the unit the script will then exit rather than try again.
Also: I think a better solution might be to make sure it doesn't lose three times :)

Version 0.2 had an off-by-one error in the porko code, but that was hopefully fixed in 0.3.

I will manually lose Porko and try to make my script recover.
Sadly, I was unable to lose at Porko. If I understand correctly, there was a 6% chance of success, and I hit it :(

I will have to create a mutli to try this further. In the meantime, I have uploaded v0.4, which at a minimum fixes the bug Ferdawoon found.
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Not sure if this is a Scritp bug or a Mafia bug but here we go:
[1441] Hamburglaris Shield Generator
Encounter: Big-Time Generator
Encounter:     Big-Time Generator
Probablities:     1.00:1.00:1.00:1.38:1.38:0.83:0.09:0.09:0.09
best     choice is 4 at 1.38 ev.
Encounter: Big-Time Generator
Encounter:     Big-Time Generator
Programmer error: Lost Porko. This     should not happen and probably indicates a bug.

>     prefref porko

lastPorkoBoard (user, now     '2222331313311211323213211323112333331133133112211111112122212121212213131231333223332331321113212332113123331221221333212332212333212222',     default )
lastPorkoExpected (user, now     '1.00:1.00:1.00:1.38:1.38:0.83:0.09:0.09:0.09', default )
lastPorkoPayouts     (user, now '022120013', default )

I have no idea how the 1.38's showed up there. They shouldn't (max chance should be 1). I would suggest putting in a sanity-check to make sure the choosen value isn't >1 and if it is abort and let the user poke at it.

I loaded it up in the relay browser and now the preferences say:
lastPorkoBoard (user, now     '1213323322223111211122233113111233213131232312321311113322111113121113311121133323233122122331231212112311311133321211121122122211111113',     default )
lastPorkoExpected (user, now     '1.00:1.00:0.62:0.59:0.28:0.00:0.00:0.00:0.00', default )
lastPorkoPayouts     (user, now '000010000', default )

So it appears that the preferencce wasn't updated from the last time I played Porko last ascencion?
I have no idea how the 1.38's showed up there.

"ev" is expected value (in this case, it should be sum of probability(ends in slot i)*payout(slot i) over all bottom slots). This can be as high as 3 (100% probability of getting 3 isotopes) and is important - 50% of getting 3 is way better than 51% of getting 1.
Except this is the Big-Time Generator - the thing you slide down in your EMU Unit. The expected values should be between 0 and 1.
Weird. I was unable to test the porko code this run because I hit a 6% chance to succeed. In fact, given that every porko game is probabilistic, it's hard to tell if the script chose the right choice or if it just got lucky. Anyways I am spinning up a test multi and will try to fix this asap.
I ran with a multi and found (and fixed) a couple problems.
1) Even as a pastamancer (yay noodlecannon) I can lose the SLG if I lose init. Not sure what a low-skilled player can do about that, but I can recommend boosting init at least. At least I was able to find a bug in the code "what happens if you lose the SLG" - it won't run again because the quest log still says "Escort Axel Otto" even though you don't have her. Fixed in 0.5.
2) If a user has arcadeGameHints=false then lastPorkoExpected is an empty string. Added a check for that case and abort. Also, I added a CYA check that if the best porko prob is anything other than 1.0, abort.

V 0.5 uploaded with the changes. The porko code still isn't as tested as I would like. I am trying to ascend my testing multi for another run at it.
2) If a user has arcadeGameHints=false then lastPorkoExpected is an empty string. Added a check for that case and abort. Also, I added a CYA check that if the best porko prob is anything other than 1.0, abort.
How strange. KoLmafia only looks at the property to decide if it should decorate the Porko game in the relay browser; the actual solving has already happened when you visited the board - regardless of that property.
How strange. KoLmafia only looks at the property to decide if it should decorate the Porko game in the relay browser; the actual solving has already happened when you visited the board - regardless of that property.

Hmm, that is strange. I could definitely be wrong about why lastPorkoExpected was an empty string. That's why I defensively added a check for the max prob == 1.0. It's just so hard to test this with only one try per ascension...
What is the rationale behind using "-moxie" in this maximizer call?
outfit = "DA, DR, -moxie, 1 hand, +equip spooky little girl";

That makes it so that, at least during my myst runs, I end up wearing the Furry outfit with its wonderful effect on my moxie (last run I was down at 10 I think, this town it was "only" 39). Removing that keyword works excellent for mystclasses (well at least mine).
What is the rationale behind using "-moxie" in this maximizer call?
outfit = "DA, DR, -moxie, 1 hand, +equip spooky little girl";

That makes it so that, at least during my myst runs, I end up wearing the Furry outfit with its wonderful effect on my moxie (last run I was down at 10 I think, this town it was "only" 39). Removing that keyword works excellent for mystclasses (well at least mine).

The goal is to lower the the attack stat of the scaling monsters in the area, hypothetically minimizing damage taken.
But since it lowers your moxie (and resistance to damage) as well, won't that only help players that currently have, and are using by virtue of muscle and shield combination, Hero of the Half Shell?
But since it lowers your moxie (and resistance to damage) as well, won't that only help players that currently have, and are using by virtue of muscle and shield combination, Hero of the Half Shell?

My hypothesis was that lowering moxie would lower the amount of absolute damage taken, which is my guess at what counts for that part of the quest.
With a maximization without that (which lead to me getting lots of more spelldamage for whatever reason) I didn't get hit at all, with the -moxie thing I got hit all the time. After 4 adventures she was down to 35 from 50.
With a maximization without that (which lead to me getting lots of more spelldamage for whatever reason) I didn't get hit at all, with the -moxie thing I got hit all the time. After 4 adventures she was down to 35 from 50.

At the very least I need to weight it way lower than the other keywords. I'll put that into the next version.