Bug - Fixed Staff of Fats cannot be equipped through CLI or ASH


r15439: Attempting to equip Staff of Fats fails with the following error: You don't have the item you're trying to equip.

> ash item_amount($item[Staff of Fats])

Returned: 1

> outfit birthday suit

Taking off everything...
Everything removed.

> equip Staff of Fats

Wielding Staff of Fats...
You don't have the item you're trying to equip.

> ash equip($item[Staff of Fats])

Wielding Staff of Fats...
You don't have the item you're trying to equip.
Returned: false

Edit: This is during aftercore, no idea if it works in the new path.
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I'm getting something similar, modifier maximizer trying to equip Staff of Ed:

Putting on Staff of Ed...
That's not an item, or it's not something you own.

(I do have it, but it's not equipment)
On the latest daily build I'm unable to run the autobasement script because the modifier maximizer tries to equip the staff of ed (and I'm not in avatar of ed, so I can't equip it!)
Untinkering worked! Thank you! I don't know why, but I thought you couldn't undo it after creating it.
A workaround to the Staff of Fats issue:
1. Create and saved an outfit with Staff of Fats equpped. This can be done in the relay browser or without mafia.
2. Unequip everything using "outfit birthday suit". This has to done in case Staff of Fats is current equipped or mafia will not be able to find it.
3. Equip your saved outfit using "outfit <outfit name>".
Note: The equip error also effects the modifier maximizer, so the create outfit step has to be done manually.
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r15646: There's still a few issues with Staff of Fats in aftercore:
  • Equip Staff of Fats can't find the Staff of Fats. Neither can item_amount().
  • Maximize pool skill works, but maximize familiar weight +equip Staff of Fats does not.

> outfit birthday suit

Taking off everything...
Everything removed.

> equip staff of fats

[COLOR="#FF0000"]You need 1 more Staff of Fats to continue.[/COLOR]

> ash item_amount($item[staff of fats])

Returned: 0

> maximize pool skill

75 combinations checked, best score 8.00
Putting on Hodgman's porkpie hat...
Equipment changed.
Wielding Staff of Fats...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Rain-Doh red wings...
Equipment changed.
Putting on sea salt scrubs...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Hodgman's lobsterskin pants...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Hodgman's bow tie...
Equipment changed.
Putting on fossilized necklace...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Juju Mojo Mask...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Snow Suit...
Equipment changed.

> maximize familiar weight +equip staff of fats

40 combinations checked, best score 73.00 (FAIL)
Putting on crumpled felt fedora...
Equipment changed.
Wielding bar whip...
Equipment changed.
Holding old-school flying disc...
Equipment changed.
Putting on over-the-shoulder Folder Holder...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Pokëmann figurine: Bloodkip...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Pokëmann figurine: Twitter...
Equipment changed.
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.[/COLOR]
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.
Try equip [2268] (or $item[2268]) in both cases, as Staff of Fats doesn't uniquely identify the item.

I'm thinking I might try to work out a way to default to an item you have if the name doesn't uniquely match one item, but that may prove tricky.
Since "equip" is willing to "acquire" the item first, that might not be what you want in general - although since both versions of the Staff of Fats are quest items, it's probably exactly what you DO want for them; there is no way for you to ever have both of them in the same run.
Casual run with all pieces available, r15459, "create staff of ed" -> "That item cannot be created."

Not shown as creatable in item manager views (creatable, equipment - create). Can craft in relay browser.

This isn't specifically an equipping issue, but there seem to be a number of related staff of ed issues, so this thread seemed reasonable. Or should each different issue go into a separate thread?
Who knows where the rabbit hole will end, but there is a long standing issue with concoctions not coping when there are multiple ways to make an item. Ideally we could consider all of them and pick the "cheapest", but that's not trivial. For Staff of Ed we'd be having to consider making all the ways of making all the items matching that name, and take the "cheapest".

I've not tried, but does create [2268] work ?

Edit - actually, no, it won't, but I'll play around with adding it to concoctions.txt tomorrow. It might just work with the right data in there.
Actually create [2325] can work, but Mafia doesn't think it does, as it thinks it gets [7961] instead. I guess the item acquisition code uses name. Looking at that.
[COLOR="#808000"]> equip staff of fats[/COLOR]

Wielding Staff     of Fats...
Equipment changed

That works for me, so I'll say yes.
Nope. The problem, as reported in post 1, still exists in r15671.
> inv staff

Staff of Fats

> ash equip($item[staff of fats])

You need 1 more Staff of Fats to continue.
Returned: false

> equip staff of fats

You need 1 more Staff of Fats to continue.

> maximize -tie, equip staff of fats

Maximizing (1st time may take a while)...
105 combinations checked, best score 0.00 (FAIL)
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.

> inv staff of fats

Staff of Fats

> equip [2268]

Wielding Staff of Fats...
Equipment changed.
The issue is still that the Ed-staff gets picked when the item is called by name, even when you aren't in an Ed-run. I have a FReq to either make mafia fail when an ambiguous exact name is used, like this, or to pick the only possible item, since you can't have both. But the bug is still here.

Edit: The FReq for that is here. I suppose my initial FReq was sort of backwards... I was asking to ambiguate them, not disambiguate, but... Post 1 was the request to match either of the identical, only one is possible per run items. Post 6 suggested that if mafia errors on identical non-unique matches, that would solve the problem of bugs like this thread just as well. Either way would fix this bug, or at least provide the user with a more accurate error.
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