Bug - Fixed Speakeasy drinks cannot be consumed from Item Manager


Staff member
Trying to drink from the Speakeasy via Item Manager (booze tab) fails, but drinking via the CLI command works just fine:
Searching for "Hot Socks"...
Search complete.
Searching for "Hot Socks"...
Search complete.
You need 1 more Hot Socks to continue.

> drink hot socks

Visiting Speakeasy in clan VIP lounge
You gain 15 Adventures
You gain 6 Strongness
You gain 5 Enchantedness
You gain 5 Cheek
You acquire an effect: Hip to the Jive (duration: 50 Adventures)
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
You lose 5,000 Meat


Staff member
ConcoctionDatabase.consumeItem lets you do that again in 14476.

The "speakeasy" and "hotdog" flags in Concoction are a kludge, in my opinion - even though I invented the technique - but his is a foreshadowing of the kind of problems we'll have if we ever make Cafe offerings into pseudo-items, as discussed elsewhere.



Yeah, it'll make sense, eventually, but then one of the advantages of pseudo items will be the simplification of code, and part of simplification is re-writing a lot of it.

We have code in several places that assumes that restaurants don't have item numbers, and looks at concoction code instead, and recognises them by that. We now have to either add "and !speakeasy" to them or handle it some other way.
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