New Content - Implemented Spaghetti breakfast quality


It seems clear from the wiki that the adventure yield from spaghetti breakfast is max(0.5 + lvl/2, 11), even if the wiki hasn't formally stated it yet. Mafia currently shows it as 6 adv no matter what level you are, which I figured was you guys waiting for the formula to be fully spaded.

Can its yield be set to use that formula, and can the color of its entry in the Food menu be updated to reflect its current quality?


I can look into that. I was holding off til it was better spaded, but a second data point other than mine has finally been added yesterday by Greycat which indeed suggest that. It also explains the run of 3's for levels 4-6.

Not sure about the quality thing, we don't currently use that for astral stuff do we ?
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r12777 should display adventures for spaghetti breakfast for that theory, lets hope future spading confirms it!

Let me know, though, I'm level 12 !