Feature - Implemented Space Jelly Jelly Collection


Add to the built in breakfast a little snippet that checks to see if you have a space jellyfish, and if so to harvest your daily sea jelly (if you have sea access).
Something like adding this to your login script? With an ashq at the front, if you don't have ASH invoked yet?
if (have_familiar($familiar[space jellyfish]) && !get_properties("_seaJellyHarvested").to_boolean() && get_properties("questS01OldGuy") != "unstarted") <whatever harvests your jelly>
To finish off <whatever harvests your jelly>, as usual I've got something in my loginScript already.

	if(have_familiar($familiar[space jellyfish]) && get_property("_seaJellyHarvested") == "false" && get_property("questS01OldGuy") != "unstarted") {
Yes, while is easily handled by a few lines of code in a login script, I'm with zen00 on this one: there is no reason why this can't be part of the breakfast routine.
I want to apologize for posting code that was only working some of the time. Here's fixed code for my loginScript.

	if(have_familiar($familiar[space jellyfish]) && get_property("_seaJellyHarvested") == "false" && get_property("questS01OldGuy") != "unstarted") {
		familiar fam = my_familiar();
		if(fam != $familiar[space jellyfish])
			use_familiar($familiar[space jellyfish]);
		if(my_familiar() != fam)
I've written a patch: it's essentially just a translation of Bale's ASH into Java.

Some other files reference "Limitmode.limitZone( "The Sea" );", which actually only checks for Spelunky, Batfellow or Ed. I haven't included it because it's not in any of the other breakfast items.


Those are the only limitmodes.

It's worth checking: I don't know why you'd click on the Daily Deed to go get the sea jelly if you were so-limited - especially since you also can't use a familiar in any of those situations - but you don't want it to start trying to issue requests which will fail.

Edit: oh, wait - this is breakfast.

Probably breakfast itself should abort on limitmode.
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There is other dubious stuff in there.


		if ( KoLCharacter.inBadMoon() || Limitmode.limitZone( "Woods" ) )
- The Hermit is in the Mountains
- The Hermit is not available in Nuclear Autumn, either
I think we'll want to add choice to defaults too :

Collecting sea jelly...

Visiting the Swimmy Little Fishes and Such
Encounter: Approach the Jellyfish
Unsupported choice adventure #1219
choice 1: Harvest Jelly
choice 2: Leave them Alone
Click here to continue in the relay browser.

You acquire an item: sea jelly
Hmm. It automatically followed the redirect to the choice, but then wanted to automate the choice.

We do want to set a default, but we shouldn't require that default to be set in order to handle the choice ourself.

Considering it...