SmartStasis -- a complex script for a simple CCS

Feature request: much like SS handles flyering, sea lassos, the molybdenum magnet, would it be possible to support for the disposable instant camera?

I think the relevant criteria would be: monster is either Bob Racecar or Racecar Bob, the player has a disposable instant camera, the player doesn't have a photograph of a dog, the questL11Palindome is set to started.

I think that would be enough to get it to collect the photo on my way through automating that section.
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@fxer: Hmmm, looks like the enqueue function needs to be aware of Nano-buff acquisition. I'll try to get to that soon -- it's a basically week-long national holiday in Korea this next week (and I've got no trip planned) so I'm hoping to get a lot of the things on my scripting todo list accomplished. I've also added testing the romantic arrow to that list.

I've never actually been able to get Romantic Arrow to work, so I made an expanded post over in Scripting Discussion to maybe see if it is just me being an awful scripter
What's this? An update to r19? Why yes, yes it is!

What could possibly be in this update, we wonder?

A fix for the pirate insult issue several have reported since that quest now seems to have another step? Yes!

Removal of all the code for Pastamancer ghost summoning? Yes! Pastamancers don't summon ghosts anymore! Everyone knows that!

Basic bounty handling as suggested by Theraze for like 294 years? Yes!

Support for throwing cameras at racecars to get pictures of dogs? Yes!

Support for throwing dogs at pictures to get cameras of racecars? No! Of course not!

Assorted changes to keep SS in step with BatBrain? Yes, definitely!

Support for throwing insults at dogs to get racecars of bounties? No! I don't even know what that is!

Malicious code that sends all of your bats to Zarqon? No! Of course not! I ask politely for that stuff!

Funny jokes? No! Coding is serious business!

Removal of some extraneous whitespace? Yes!

Enjoy this update, everyone.
I was really hoping for support to throw insults at dogs to get racecars of bounties, but everything else sounds great.

All my bats are belong to you!
SS should probablt stop trying rave combos after 30 are done in a day (except for outside the club), since they've been capped since march of 2013. Mafia is already tracking that with _raveStealCount.

Also I'm not entirely sure why but SS isn't using rave nirvana against pygmy orderlies when I expect that it would be profitable. They wouldn't be killed by it and my mp regen is enough to cover the cost of using all the combos. It is using rave concentration.

BatMan_profitforstasis is set at 15.0 (the default) if that matters.

[682292]     The Hidden Bowling Alley
Encounter: pygmy orderlies
Strategy:     /Users/Rinn/Library/Application Support/KoLmafia/ccs/hamelin-farming.ccs     [hidden bowling alley]
Round 0: Hamelin wins initiative!
[COLOR=#880000]1     HP costs 0.137μ. ( 3,341 / 5134 )[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000088]1     MP costs 2.545μ. ( 4,410 / 5784 )[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     We currently think that the round number is: 0 and that the turn number is     682291.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: Checking to see if WHAM sould     adjust the unknown_ml for pygmy orderlies.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     No need to do anything with pygmy orderlies.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     Setting up variables via BatBrain[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Setting     monster to pygmy orderlies...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]compression     stocking (15.0 @ +157): 350μ * 38.55% = 134.92[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]midriff     scrubs (5.0 @ +157): 340μ * 12.85% = 43.69[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]pill     cup (25.0 @ +157): 79μ * 64.25% = 50.76[/COLOR]
Value of stat gain:     654.84μ
You have Mayflower bouquet equipped: 0 damage, stun 0.065
Events     created: Mayflower bouquet
[B]Base round:[/B] 0 damage, 0 player     damage, 0.07 stun, 0 meat
ATT: [B]182[/B] (5.61% × 16.67, death in 3341)
DEF:     [B]172[/B] (95.45% × 6,434.84[B] [COLOR=red](40)[/COLOR]     [COLOR=blue](15)[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray](15)[/COLOR]     [COLOR=purple](15)[/COLOR] [COLOR=green](15)[/COLOR][/B],     win in 1)
HP: [B]188[/B], Value: [B][COLOR=green]2,032.22 μ[/COLOR][/B],     RES: 0.12[B] [COLOR=red](0.12)[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue](0.12)[/COLOR]     [COLOR=gray](0.12)[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple](0.12)[/COLOR]     [COLOR=green](0.12)[/COLOR][/B], Happenings: 0
[COLOR=black]Parsed     round number: 0 (real: 1)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Building options...[/COLOR]
Events     created: attack, (blank)
Events created: use 345, use 465, use 466, use     548, use 549, use 829, use 1316, use 1788, use 1922, use 1965, use 2092,     use 2606, use 2678, use 2848, use 4120, use 4196, use 4198, use 4872, use     5703, use 5907
Events created: skill 2, skill 15, skill 19, skill 28,     skill 30, skill 36, skill 32, skill 50, skill 42, skill 49, skill 51,     skill 52, skill 5021, skill 5003, skill 5005, skill 5008, skill 5012,     skill 5033, skill 5035, skill 5036, skill 5037, skill 7010, skill 7011,     skill 7012, skill 7013, skill 7014, skill 7074, runaway; repeat
[B]Base     round:[/B] 0 damage, 0 player damage, 0.07 stun, 0 meat
Value of stat     gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=black]Options built! (47 actions)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is     682291.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: Current MP = 4410 out of 5784.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     You have no profitable MP restoratives.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     Current HP = 3341 out of 5134.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: You     have no profitable HP restoratives.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     You are fighting a pygmy orderlies. Mafia considers that this monster has     an attack of 182 or 182 when given a monster name.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     Mafia further considers that this monster has a defense value of 172 or     172 when given a monster name.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: Mafia     further further considers that this monster has a HP value of 188 or 188     when given a monster name.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: Your     current ML-adjustment is: 30.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: You     have muscle = 4886, mysticality = 3728, and moxie = 5918[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     Monster HP is 188.0.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]WHAM: WHAM added the     following to BatRound: if pastround 29; abort "Stopping fight because it     has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think     this was in error)"; endif; [/COLOR]
Value of stat gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=purple]skill     49 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]skill     49 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]use     829 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]use     829 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]skill     15 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]skill     15 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]use     4872 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]use     4872 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]skill     19 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]skill     19 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]use     4196 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]use     4196 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]runaway;     repeat is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]runaway;     repeat is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]use     4198 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]use     4198 is not OK since it is marked as a custom action.[/COLOR]
Value of     stat gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: Running SmartStasis[/COLOR]
Profit     per round:     [TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TH]          Action[/TH]
[TH]          Profit[/TH]
[TH]          Damage[/TH]
[TH]          Other[/TH]
[TD="align: left"]          base; Mayflower bouquet (0μ)[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]          [B]0μ[/B][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]          --[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]          6.5% stun chance[/TD]
    [COLOR=black]Building custom WHAM actions...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Custom     WHAM actions built! (0 actions)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Building     custom actions...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#537F91]Queued turn 799189 round     1: pickpocket[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Building options...[/COLOR]
Events     created: pickpocket, attack, (blank)
Events created: use 345, use 465,     use 466, use 548, use 549, use 829, use 1316, use 1788, use 1922, use     1965, use 2092, use 2606, use 2678, use 2848, use 4120, use 4196, use     4198, use 4872, use 5703, use 5907
Events created: skill 2, skill 15,     skill 19, skill 28, skill 30, skill 36, skill 32, skill 50, skill 42,     skill 49, skill 51, skill 52, skill 5021, skill 5003, skill 5005, skill     5008, skill 5012, skill 5033, skill 5035, skill 5036, skill 5037, skill     7010, skill 7011, skill 7012, skill 7013, skill 7014, skill 7074, runaway;     repeat
[B]Base round:[/B] 0 damage, 0 player damage, 0.07 stun, 0 meat
Value     of stat gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=black]Options built! (47 actions)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Custom     actions built! (0 actions)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Constructed     macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 29; abort "Stopping     fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher     value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; pickpocket; call     batround; [/COLOR]
Round 1: Hamelin executes a macro!
Round 1:     Hamelin tries to steal an item!
You acquire an item: pill cup
[COLOR=#537F91]Happened     turn 799189 round 1: pickpocket[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Parsed round     number: 1 (real: 2)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]You snatched a pill cup     (79μ)![/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]compression stocking (15.0 @     +157): 350μ * 38.55% = 134.92[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]midriff     scrubs (5.0 @ +157): 340μ * 12.85% = 43.69[/COLOR]
Value of stat     gain: 654.84μ
[COLOR=green]Revised monster value: 1,981.46[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#537F91]Happened     turn 799189 round 1: stolen[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Building     options...[/COLOR]
Events created: attack, (blank)
Events created:     use 345, use 465, use 466, use 548, use 549, use 829, use 1316, use 1788,     use 1922, use 1965, use 2092, use 2606, use 2678, use 2848, use 4120, use     4196, use 4198, use 4872, use 5703, use 5907
Events created: skill 2,     skill 15, skill 19, skill 28, skill 30, skill 36, skill 32, skill 50,     skill 42, skill 49, skill 51, skill 52, skill 5021, skill 5003, skill     5005, skill 5008, skill 5012, skill 5033, skill 5035, skill 5036, skill     5037, skill 7010, skill 7011, skill 7012, skill 7013, skill 7014, skill     7074, runaway; repeat
Value of stat gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=black]Options     built! (47 actions)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Building disco combos...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]compression     stocking (15.0 @ +157): 350μ * 38.55% = 134.92[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]compression     stocking (19.5 @ +157): 350μ * 50.12% = 175.4[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]midriff     scrubs (5.0 @ +157): 340μ * 12.85% = 43.69[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]midriff     scrubs (6.5 @ +157): 340μ * 16.71% = 56.8[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Combos     built! (2 combos)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Attack action chosen:     attack (round 2, profit: -0.14)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#537F91]Queued     turn 799189 round 2: skill 52; skill 51; skill 50[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Building     options...[/COLOR]
Events created: attack, (blank)
Events created:     use 345, use 465, use 466, use 548, use 549, use 829, use 1316, use 1788,     use 1922, use 1965, use 2092, use 2606, use 2678, use 2848, use 4120, use     4196, use 4198, use 4872, use 5703, use 5907
Events created: skill 2,     skill 15, skill 19, skill 28, skill 30, skill 36, skill 32, skill 50,     skill 42, skill 49, skill 51, skill 52, skill 5021, skill 5003, skill     5005, skill 5008, skill 5012, skill 5033, skill 5035, skill 5036, skill     5037, skill 7010, skill 7011, skill 7012, skill 7013, skill 7014, skill     7074, runaway; repeat
[B]Base round:[/B] 0 damage, 0 player damage,     0.07 stun, 0 meat
Value of stat gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=black]Options     built! (47 actions)[/COLOR]
Value of stat gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=black]WHAM:     Stasis option chosen: skill 7074 (round 5, profit: 42.28)[/COLOR]
Value     of stat gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=black]This monster is not your     huckleberry.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Stasis loop complete (queue     still contains 1 actions).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Constructed     macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 29; abort "Stopping     fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher     value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; skill 52; skill 51;     skill 50; call batround; [/COLOR]
Round 2: Hamelin executes a macro!
Round     2: Hamelin casts RUN LIKE THE WIND!
Round 3: pygmy orderlies takes 5     damage.
Round 3: Joule holds out the Mayflower bouquet toward your     opponent. They stop to smell the flowers instead of attacking you.
Round     3: Hamelin casts POP AND LOCK IT!
Round 4: pygmy orderlies takes 13     damage.
Round 4: Hamelin casts BREAK IT ON DOWN!
Rave combo: Rave     Concentration
You acquire an effect: Rave Concentration (duration: 1     Adventure)
[COLOR=#537F91]Happened turn 799189 round 2: skill 52[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#537F91]Happened     turn 799189 round 3: skill 51[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#537F91]Happened     turn 799189 round 4: skill 50[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Parsed round     number: 4 (real: 5)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Building options...[/COLOR]
Events     created: attack, (blank)
Events created: use 345, use 465, use 466, use     548, use 549, use 829, use 1316, use 1788, use 1922, use 1965, use 2092,     use 2606, use 2678, use 2848, use 4120, use 4196, use 4198, use 4872, use     5703, use 5907
Events created: skill 2, skill 15, skill 19, skill 28,     skill 30, skill 36, skill 32, skill 50, skill 42, skill 49, skill 51,     skill 52, skill 5021, skill 5003, skill 5005, skill 5008, skill 5012,     skill 5033, skill 5035, skill 5036, skill 5037, skill 7010, skill 7011,     skill 7012, skill 7013, skill 7014, skill 7074, runaway; repeat
Value     of stat gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=black]Options built! (47 actions)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     SmartStasis complete.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: Running     SmartStasis took 1.53 seconds.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: SS did     not finish the fight, continuing with script execution. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     We currently think that the round number is: 5 and that the turn number is     682291.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: Starting evaluation and     performing of attack[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: We currently     think that the round number is: 5 and that the turn number is 682291.[/COLOR]
Value     of stat gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: No need to stun     this monster[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Monster HP is 170 according to     Mafia and 175.0 according to BatBrain.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     We estimate the round number to currently be 5 (loop variable 0)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Monster     HP is 170 according to Mafia and 175.0 according to BatBrain (loop     variable i = 0).[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#537F91]Queued turn 799189 round     5: attack[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Building options...[/COLOR]
Events     created: attack, (blank)
Events created: use 345, use 465, use 466, use     548, use 549, use 829, use 1316, use 1788, use 1922, use 1965, use 2092,     use 2606, use 2678, use 2848, use 4120, use 4196, use 4198, use 4872, use     5703, use 5907
Events created: skill 2, skill 15, skill 19, skill 28,     skill 30, skill 36, skill 32, skill 50, skill 42, skill 49, skill 51,     skill 52, skill 5021, skill 5003, skill 5005, skill 5008, skill 5012,     skill 5033, skill 5035, skill 5036, skill 5037, skill 7010, skill 7011,     skill 7012, skill 7013, skill 7014, skill 7074, runaway; repeat
[B]Base     round:[/B] 0 damage, 0 player damage, 0.07 stun, 0 meat
Value of stat     gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=black]Options built! (47 actions)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Parsed     round number: 4 (real: 5)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Building options...[/COLOR]
Events     created: attack, (blank)
Events created: use 345, use 465, use 466, use     548, use 549, use 829, use 1316, use 1788, use 1922, use 1965, use 2092,     use 2606, use 2678, use 2848, use 4120, use 4196, use 4198, use 4872, use     5703, use 5907
Events created: skill 2, skill 15, skill 19, skill 28,     skill 30, skill 36, skill 32, skill 50, skill 42, skill 49, skill 51,     skill 52, skill 5021, skill 5003, skill 5005, skill 5008, skill 5012,     skill 5033, skill 5035, skill 5036, skill 5037, skill 7010, skill 7011,     skill 7012, skill 7013, skill 7014, skill 7074, runaway; repeat
[B]Base     round:[/B] 0 damage, 0 player damage, 0.07 stun, 0 meat
Value of stat     gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=black]Options built! (47 actions)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     Evaluating the attack but not performing it took 0.31 seconds.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM:     Enqueueing attack with your weapon (macroid attack). Estimated damage:     175.0.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#537F91]Queued turn 799189 round 5: attack[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Building     options...[/COLOR]
Events created: attack, (blank)
Events created:     use 345, use 465, use 466, use 548, use 549, use 829, use 1316, use 1788,     use 1922, use 1965, use 2092, use 2606, use 2678, use 2848, use 4120, use     4196, use 4198, use 4872, use 5703, use 5907
Events created: skill 2,     skill 15, skill 19, skill 28, skill 30, skill 36, skill 32, skill 50,     skill 42, skill 49, skill 51, skill 52, skill 5021, skill 5003, skill     5005, skill 5008, skill 5012, skill 5033, skill 5035, skill 5036, skill     5037, skill 7010, skill 7011, skill 7012, skill 7013, skill 7014, skill     7074, runaway; repeat
[B]Base round:[/B] 0 damage, 0 player damage,     0.07 stun, 0 meat
Value of stat gain: 32.5μ
[COLOR=black]Options     built! (47 actions)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: Successfully     enqueued attack with your weapon.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: We     are going to 1-shot with attack with your weapon.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Constructed     macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 29; abort "Stopping     fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher     value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; attack; call     batround; [/COLOR]
Round 5: Hamelin executes a macro!
Round 5:     Hamelin attacks!
Round 6: pygmy orderlies takes 5806 damage.
Round     6: Hamelin wins the fight!
After Battle: Joule holds the Mayflower     bouquet out in front of you, and you stop to smell the flowers. It reminds     you that the best things in life are free. Then you remember that you can     keep them for the birds and bees, and start sniffing around for extra Meat.
After     Battle: Joule flits around like a hummingbird on crack, helping you pick     stuff up.
You gain 1129 Meat
You gain 16 Muscleboundness
You gain     13 Wizardliness
You gain 19 Cheek
[COLOR=#537F91]Happened     turn 799189 round 5: attack[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#537F91]Happened turn     799189 round 6: win[/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Parsed round number: 5     (real: 6)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: Evaluating the attack and     performing it took 2.24 seconds.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: We     currently think that the round number is: 31 and that the turn number is     682292.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]WHAM: We currently think that the     round number is: 31 and that the turn number is 682292.[/COLOR]

Requests     complete.
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I was wondering if you have considered making this script work with Ed the undying so that it recognizes that monsters can have flyers used on them three times per combat and recognize that HP is much less important than MP in the first two fights?
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New change... can only Rave Steal 30 times a day. :(
(this was from post 1501, way back in 2013)
I noticed that I'm rave stealing way more than 30 times a day (albeit unsuccessfully, just using some MP)
Not sure if it is the best way, but I changed line 380 in the current SS to:
return (to_int(get_property("_raveStealCount")) < 30 && (available_amount($item[seeger's unstoppable banjo]) > 0 || my_location().zone == "Volcano")) ? get_property("raveCombo"+i) : "";
It does?

What I mean is things like automatically using Lash of the Cobra on monsters whose drop you want, Curse of Fortune on dirty thieving bandits, and Curse of Stench on monsters you want olfacted.
So, I have been using smart stasis/wham for farming, as smart stasis will often use raves, skills that make meat, etc. But I have noticed behavior that isn't exactly good. So I have use items set to true, and Smart stasis will use low cost skills like Curse rather than use something like spices/time shuriken/spectre scepter/Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot/grape troll doll/facsimile dictionary/DNA extraction syringe sort of items that cost nothing to use, are not consumed, and in the case of DNA could possibly even create more meat while stasising for say a hobo monkey.

Would it be possible to set SS to prefer infinite use combat items if they wont get killing blow over using mp which has a cost?
r16163 and the changes to disambiguate the gendered Clingy Pirate break SmartStasis. Replace line 271 with the following and it will work again:

      case $monster[clingy pirate (male)]: if (has_goal(m) == 0) encustom($item[cocktail napkin]); break;  // cocktail napkins
      case $monster[clingy pirate (female)]: if (has_goal(m) == 0) encustom($item[cocktail napkin]); break;  // cocktail napkins
For a slightly better result, remove the stuff to the right of the colon on the first line. Like so:
      case $monster[clingy pirate (male)]:
      case $monster[clingy pirate (female)]: if (has_goal(m) == 0) encustom($item[cocktail napkin]); break;  // cocktail napkins

Basically, no reason to write the same check twice. Both pirates use the same code currently, so both make it that if code changes in the future, it only needs to be updated once.
Is it possible for SmartStasis to detect that there is no longer a reason to extend a combat, once my Bjornified familiar has dropped his item, if that was the reason for stasis-ing? It doesn't seem to do this today.