Session log != CLI - How can I fix?


I am running a script and near the end (not the last line - tried it both ways) I have
The see the output in the CLI. It is a summary of the adventures used, the stats gained, the meat gained/lost, the items gained/used, etc. This summary does not appear in the session log (sessions/charname_date.txt) but the actions in the code following the summary command do appear in the log.:confused:

How can I get the session log to capture this summary information?
What parameters effect what gets captured in the session log?

edit: running 7754.jar

From CLI:
You gain 1 hit point
Advs Used: 221
Meat Gained: 113,923
Substats: 8,140 / 1,654 / 1,761
Fullstats: 4 / 1 / 2
duct tape
All done! Goodnight.

From session log:
You gain 1 hit point
> All done! Goodnight.
Last edited:


log summary is the command you want. log actually works with most of the commands that display an item list or status information, or a comma-separated list of such commands. log snapshot is available as a shortcut for log moon, status, equipment, skills, effects, modifiers.


Just look at your session log for examples and then review the relevant preferences to modify that information. You should be able to figure it all out.


You're running a script that is using logprint() to explicitly write to the session log. No KoLmafia setting is going to change that.