Feature - Rejected Retrieve Worthless items by using gum

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Active member
If in HC/ronin and you aren't doing an extra retrieve on the starter items, what's ultimately the difference? I mean, you could allow for pulling from clan stash/storage automatically outside of HC/ronin... but I don't think if you're checking value that your pull will ever pass 50 meat in value. So, if we aren't trying to force the starter items... what's left divergent?


Maybe my post wasn't clear - the first paragraph was to say that unequipping or buying from the mall isn't needed. The other two lines were just compliments that had nothing to do with retrieving =)


Active member
I'm just questioning if there's a reason for a friendly/optimal split if you aren't retrieving the starter items. :)


The code as-is tries to retrieve the starter items via InventoryManager.retrieveItem() before using the gums (the friendly/optimal split) but after uncloseting them. Since retrieving will result in unequipping (not needed) or buying from the mall (not optimal in any case), I think it can be removed.

The friendly/optimal split makes sense to me, since obtaining all the starter items needs to be done only once in aftercore, and is cheap, whereas it can be a strain if done early in-run.

I hope this answers your question, I must admit I think there's a communication problem somewhere ^^


Active member
My question is, why attempt to get the starter items if you aren't asking for them? You can still buy/use items in groups of 3 whether in ronin or aftercore...

I just really dislike the system doing things I didn't tell it to. If I tell it to get the starter items, get them. If I tell it to get +10 worthless items, closet any worthless items I have, buy/use (needed-starters + 3) < 10 ? (needed-starters + 3) : 10 chewing gums, and repeat closetting and buying 3 gums thereafter... but if I want one gum, don't buy needed-starters+1 gums. If I ask it for that many worthless items, do the purchase whether I'm in ronin or aftercore.

Or does that not make sense?
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Oh, you are talking about the aftercore logic for obtaining the worthless items (the server-friendly version). The code will buy (missingStarters + needed) gums, even if you only need one worthless item, but this should only happen once - unless people get rid of the starter items ^^

The reason for this was to avoid hitting the server by purchasing gums more than once.


Active member
Yeah... I object to that on principle. If I only want 1 worthless item, please don't force me to go into the relay browser for it... :) I don't care about spending 200 or 500 meat if that's what it takes, but... eh. I'm going to be in HC looping for the next few years anyways, doesn't really apply to me. Just the principle of the thing. :)


If you only want one, all you need is...

alias worthless => ashq while(item_amount(43.to_item()) < 1 && item_amount(44.to_item()) < 1 && item_amount(45.to_item()) < 1) use(1, $item[gum on a string]);


Active member
I'll be aliasing that. Well rather,
alias getworthless => ashq while(item_amount(43.to_item()) < 1 && item_amount(44.to_item()) < 1 && item_amount(45.to_item()) < 1 && (my_meat() > 49 || item_amount($item[gum on a string]) > 0)) use(1, $item[gum on a string])

Aliasing worthless means you can't do anything with worthless items, since it keeps trying to run the script. Not checking for meat/gum means that you can hit the infinite loops as was pointed out earlier today.
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My question is, why attempt to get the starter items if you aren't asking for them?
My feeling was that it's a one-time expenditure for your character of 650 meat in aftercore, and if you gather hermit clovers with any level of regularity, you'll wind up making that expenditure eventually just as a rule of probability.

That said, I added the pre-aftercore logic hoping that nobody would ever need/want to write Bale's alias, but since it's already been written and it's already going to be used, I don't see the value in continuing this discussion. Marking this as won't fix.
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