Request for script


New member
I am wondering if anyone could write a script for me that would automatically consume, get clovers, change outfits to get lagers from the farm during wartime and go to the fruit stand, and a few other things. i could pay with meat or a mr a in game. kmail or pm me on skent on kol or respond here for more info. thank you,


Those all exist in more or less different forms. The gCLI command breakfast will automatically get clovers for you, hit up the fruit stand, and a whole bunch of other "once per day" type things that require no choice. For consumption, there's EatDrink.ash. The details are in the thread, but basically just type "set valueOfAdventure=X in the gCLI (where X is how much meat you can get from an adventure / how much you're willing to pay for an extra one), then just run EatDrink.ash, type in how much you're willing to eat/drink/spleen up to, and it'll consume for you.

As for the farm during wartime...I think breakfast will handle that, but I'm not positive, since I rarely do the farm, and when I do, I usually finish up the war the same day.


Active member
Breakfast will get you those automatic items. Wossname or BCA will let you set which quests of the war you'd like to finish, if you're asking to get that done instead.

If a mod could move this to community support, I think that would be a better place to inform about which scripts already exist and how to use them.


New member
Thank you for moving this to the proper area. I will admit i am a nork and did not understand the whole breakfast thing. i would open it up and look at it, click the boxes on the things i wanted and when that didn't do anything, shrug and go on. So thank you for clearing that up for me and that is a huge help. I downloaded the eatdrink.ash but could not get it to include a fortune cookie in my consumables. Should i just eat the fortune cookie and then run it? Sorry to be a pain but I am relatively new to using scripts(as if everyone can't tell) Any advice would be helpful. thanks again!


Active member
Eat the fortune cookie first. You can make EatDrink always eat Fortune Cookies for all 15 of your stomach, but if you want to only eat one or two, you need to control that yourself.