Removing commas from int_to_string?


I'm trying to create a script that sends a variable amout of meat to each of my clanmates at the end of each daily run, but when I convert the int to a string and use it with the send function, it only sends the "second half" of the amount, i.e., if I were sending someone 1,234 meat, it would only send them 234 using cli_execute("send " + int_to_string(sendmeat) + " meat to playernamehere")

This causes the message send to fail, and the mafia ends up sending a less than three shaped box with the same amount of meat (meaning I've also lost 100 meat as well). :(

Is there any way to strip commas from the int_to_string, or is there another, better way that I could execute this?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I did just realize I could just convert the meat to the equivalent amount of meat paste, but if at all possible, I would like to avoid such complications...
string my_int_to_string (int number)

string foo;
foo = int_to_string(number % 10);
while (number>10)
number = number/10;
foo = int_to_string(number % 10) + foo;
return foo;

void main()
It's true that this script is impacted by seeing Holatuwol's sample on the main forums. My original version wasn't quite this pretty.

However, my original version was more correct. ::) The script I posted earlier doesn't parse numbers like 1000 correctly. Gee, I was wondering why I was having trouble hitting my clan stash up for Meat maids. :) A corrected version is below.

Also, for what it's worth, it may be that Veracity just checked in a change so that the default behavior for int_to_string is commaless. If that is the case, then this function will be extraneous when 7.2 is released.


string my_int_to_string (int number)
string foo;
foo = int_to_string(number % 10);
while (number>=10)
number = number/10;
foo = int_to_string(number % 10) + foo;
return foo;

void main()
[quote author=Tirian link=topic=125.msg562#msg562 date=1146424181]Also, for what it's worth, it may be that Veracity just checked in a change so that the default behavior for int_to_string is commaless.[/quote]

It may be that I did that.

For whatever reason, I'm not too sympathetic to people trying to cons up raw URLs, but creating a cli "send" command on the fly like the original poster wanted to do doesn't annoy me.

This whole business of dynamically creating strings to pass to cli_execute bemuses me. That's the equivalent of calling (eval) in Lisp, and the general rule in that language is that doing so is almost always incorrect. However, ASH is not a strict superset of the regular CLI and we don't have (apply), so I guess that technique is necessary...

Hmm. I used to be a Lisp implementor. Perhaps that's what we should have, instead of ASH. What do you think? :D