relay_friggineverything has stopped working


I believe just around the time Jick & Co. changed the account page to options, I noticed my relay overrides were not working. Today I looked at it and repaired the text changes in topmenu.ash needed to make my top menu proper again. I also tried clicking on the relay overrides I have installed, Daily_Info, OCD_dB_man, Pref_Man, Universal_recov, zlib_man, and as of today mysticbuff. Selecting them no longer does anything.

Am I missing a new setting or did something just break?
I just selected OCD_dB_Manager from my topmenu dropdown of relay scripts. It worked fine. I use it every single day and it has never NOT worked fine except during a short period when we had a bug with cached data files.

To answer your question, I'd guess that you broke something. Perhaps in your relay override for topmenu.
First thing I tried was removing my topmenu.ash (zargon's version with just a few more shortenings and update for account/option thing). While my customizations (expectedly) went away, the relay_ did not start working again. So I bumped from r9097 to r9099 removed topmenu and all but 1 relay_ and still have no joy.

...blah blah blah ...

changed my browser from the portable FF beta to blank and tested in hated IE. dammit .. works there so something with my FF. nvmd I guess.
nope, greasemonkey along with most everything else in FF is disabled. My flash drive has an annoyingly slow write speed so I have been on a mission lately to find out how to make FF portable work as fast as possible and write as little to storage as I can. It is quite fast now, but the lobotomy I've given it is pretty thorough. I'm assuming something I turned off is needed by w/e functions are called when I click on a override script.

[edit]had javascript unintentionally (I think?) disabled, therefore quite obviously java scripting didn't work.[/edit]
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