Redundancy question


Active member
With the recent "Food and stuff show effects" update, it got me wondering why food were hardcoded with what effects they give. For example, from fullness.txt, you have
hippy herbal tea	1	1	decent	2	0	4-7	0	5 Sleepy (-30% mus)
...while in modifiers.txt, you have
Sleepy	Muscle Percent: -30
My question for the devs is why not have the food stuff parse from the modifiers.txt to determine what side effect such consumption would be?

Top that off with statuseffects.txt which has
2	Sleepy	sleepy.gif	35b38533640fed03c12460b1dca98e81	use 1 decorative fountain
It seems that some of this is redundant. What I'd like to know is: Why? Is this a design choice? Is this just how things worked? Is it an oversight?

Not critique, I'm just interested in learning the decision process behind such things. Thanks ^^


Staff member
The field in fullness.txt is a comment - it is what KoLmafia displays in the Food panel to let you know what eating the food will give you, other than adventures and stats. For example:

optimal dog	1	1	awesome	4-5	0	0	0	reset semirare counter to 0
That is not an "effect" that you can find in modifiers.txt or statuseffects.txt