Bug - Fixed recent modifier maximizer problems, maybe issue is "sea"?

location: spring break beach: The Sunken Party Yacht
sea, -acc2, -acc3, -pants, item drop, equip Li'l

This used to work a couple of days ago, but now it says:

Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.

If I change "sea" to "item old scuba tank" it seems to work. Maybe it's related to that? Also, when it's sea, it seems to recommending the snow suit for the familiar as it fails.


Active member
Also, when it's sea, it seems to recommending the snow suit for the familiar as it fails.
That's actually standard for a fail. Every time I've gotten a fail, it gives me the best it can. Snow Suits are one of the best pieces of familiar equipment there is at +20 familiar weight. Since it doesn't care about the sea anymore, you get the best it can.


What familiar did you have at the time ?

Sea seems to check for two statuses, things letting you adventure underwater and things letting your familiar adventure underwater. So it'd fail with that string if familiar isn't naturally an underwater familiar, as L'il Businessman Kit doesn't let your familiar adventure underwater, and if you haven't got Willyweed running.

Edit - No, it's that certain (all?) familiar modifiers aren't checked correctly currently, so it doesn't recognise that you have an underwater familiar. Looking at it now.
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