Feature rationalize behavior of AdventureSelectPanel "begin" button


I think it should operate identical to the "adv" CLI command. Notably this would mean that it would allow for enqueueing of subsequent actions in the CLI. Yea/nay?

Possible downsides (that I can think of off the top of my head): multiple accidental clicks of the "begin" button would queue up multiple adventure sequences, mostly silently. You would have to tab over to the gCLI to see that you've messed up.


Active member
By rational do you mean we should be able to call, for example, a consumption script and then click begin before the consumption script has finished execution so that it would begin once the consumption script is finished, instead of trying to begin over the top of the consumption script and get all confuzzled?

As for your downside, I presume you could enqueue world peace after a begin.


At one point, I was thinking of converting all the GUI stuff to equivalent CLI commands to simplify everything, but I'm not sure what the impact would be on people's usage of KoLmafia since ... I really have no idea how people use it anymore. xD Does anyone rely on the GUI working differently from the CLI?


Active member
Personally, not on purpose... usually. I sometimes find myself waiting to run scripts until after the Adventuring tab is done. The one useful function of Adventuring tab v. gCLI is that if you're using the Adventuring tab and want to lookup something in the KoL wiki, you can run that immediately. Otherwise... the delay doesn't really lose anything especially useful.


I'm all for unifying GUI and CLI behavior; if the ability to bypass the queue is desired, then we can think about that feature request.

Here, the only implementation-specific issue I can think of is: if we convert the "begin" button into just executing a CLI command, what happens with the attached goals field? Do we tack on a "goals add <X> <Y>" line before the adv?


Active member
I'd suggest not, because that's not how the tab currently functions. Tacking on "goals set <x> <y>" would be a maybe, but still slightly questionable. Best would probably be adding a button to add the goals... then mafia wouldn't do anything you aren't explicitly asking for, and adventuring on the tab would be the more similar to adventuring in the gCLI. Since adventuring there doesn't auto-add the goals, even if you've typed something in.

For that matter, an argument could be made to try to add a 2-3 row "current goals" section below the current "add goals" drop box, possibly with the ability to clear lines/entries. But... different FReq. For the purpose of this FReq, I'd suggest goals set gets tacked when you adventure, not to lose the existing functionality.


I'd suggest not, because that's not how the tab currently functions. Tacking on "goals set <x> <y>" would be a maybe, but still slightly questionable. Best would probably be adding a button to add the goals... then mafia wouldn't do anything you aren't explicitly asking for, and adventuring on the tab would be the more similar to adventuring in the gCLI. Since adventuring there doesn't auto-add the goals, even if you've typed something in.

Yes, okay, "set" instead of "add". But I'm not sure what you're saying for the rest. Hitting the "begin" button with something other than "none" in the goals field and the associated checkbox ticked is equivalent to running an adv after setting a goal.


Active member
Note that all of this is regarding a future possible FReq, not this. As I said, but since it was questioned...

Yes, but if you're on the gCLI and you type adventure 5 super grass, it will adventure 5 times in the super-intense mega-grassfire.

If you're on the Adventure tab, and you change the number of adventures to 5, and choose the super-intense mega-grassfire as your location, and throw some text into the condition box but decide you don't actually want it so you don't finish whatever you were typing and just click the adventure button instead... you'll get 5 adventures at the super-intense mega-grassfire with a failed condition at the end, since the condition you didn't really want to add was added.

Conversely, if you wanted to add a condition of a hot egg in the Adventuring tab and wanted it to stick, you'd need to actually spend an adventure... somewhere. Could be at the super grass, could be at the treasury. Doesn't really matter... you need to spend an adventure to set new conditions using the Adventuring tab.

What I'm saying would be useful is a way to actually control the conditions without necessarily needing to spend adventures, similar to actually using the gCLI. For one thing, it would make things more friendly for newbies who have no clue when their conditions are set, so their adventuring ends with an unhappy red colour instead of the successful green. As well, you'd be able to (potentially) remove a single condition out of your goals without needing to know exactly what the right number is, as you need to using the gCLI currently. As a third bonus, no need to actually adventure to set goals, and no goals set when you don't want them to be because you were looking at possible goals for the area.

Basically, more transparency on what's happening, when, why. While making it easier.

But like I said initially in post 7 and at the start of this post... that's a different FReq. :)


So by "maybe, but still slightly questionable" you really meant "completely fine for this freq, as that's equivalent to current behavior. In the future I will make a different freq that will make the goals interface more user-friendly on the adventure tab."



Active member
I think it would be more confusing to have to click two buttons to adventure for a goal rather than to, as now, click on button. I feel that the point of the standard goals in the list is to make it so you can pick one and go on yoru merry way. And you don't need to adventure at all. You can click the begin with 0 turns and it'll add the goal but not go anywhere (or if it does you can abort it as soon as the goal is added). It would be cool to have a "clear goals" button though :)


Active member
Clicking begin with a goal set and adventures set to 0 sets adventures to max instead of stopping. It only does nothing if you don't have a goal set...


Clicking begin with a goal set and adventures set to 0 sets adventures to max instead of stopping. It only does nothing if you don't have a goal set...
Actually, that keeps going back and forth for me. Some revisions it automatically goes to the max, others it remains at zero (and therefore doesn’t adventure anywhere). It’s been in the second mode for a month or two now. :confused:


Actually, that keeps going back and forth for me. Some revisions it automatically goes to the max, others it remains at zero (and therefore doesn’t adventure anywhere). It’s been in the second mode for a month or two now. :confused:

Like theraze said, it depends on if you have a goal set.