Bug - Fixed r12191: Beanbat Chamber monster encounter rates are listed backwards

In the location details pane for the Beanbat Chamber, it says (replaced hit/evade percentages with placeholders):

Beanbat (20%)
Hit: X%, Evade: Y%
HP: 18, XP: 2.62
Meat: 21-32 (26 average)
enchanted bean 65%
sonar-in-a-biscuit 13%

Screambat (80%)
Hit: Z%, Evade: W%
HP: 15, XP: 2.25

The percentages are backwards. Beanbats occur 80% of the time, while Screambats occur 20%.

KoLmafia r12191, OS X 10.8.4 "Mountain Lion", Java 7u21


Staff member
The percentages are not backward. Mafia thought they were equally likely and was accounting for the queue. 12192 fixes that.


Active member
I'd removed that post, but... it's 12.5% rather than 0%, which is what the change made it. At least, SVN change 12192.


12.5% is equally wrong. It's either 100% or 0%.

ETA: And yes, the freq if you want it is for mafia to handle superlikelies. (I don't think that is super likely to be implemented any time soon)