Bug - Won't Fix r10498 - Hedge Maze wonkiness


Active member
Round 8: fluxxdog wins the fight!
You acquire an item: hedge maze puzzle
You gain 18 Beefiness
You gain 19 Magicalness
You gain 29 Sarcasm
Look! You found 1 hedge maze puzzle (50μ)!
Checking prerequisites...
Retrieving maze status...
Retrieving maze status...
Computing maze solution...
Executing final rotations...

[1006] Sorceress' Hedge Maze
Encounter: topiary golem
Round 0: fluxxdog wins initiative!
Hedge maze quest complete.
I finished the fight, got my puzzle, used the drop down menu to do the hedge maze puzzle, and when it got swiped, it jumped in to another combat that it would not fight. I usually use a home made script to do this since the actual automation only did the puzzle and not hunt for more, but now that's broken since it uses hedgemaze() and that jumps into a fight as well instead of just returning a boolean.
I can post the script, but the problem is hedgemaze() and the dropdown menu, likely the CLI command as well. And my bBS didn't fire at all.
import <investigate.ash>;
if(location_safe($location[Sorceress' Hedge Maze])) while(location_available($location[Sorceress' Hedge Maze])){
	while(!possess_item("hedge maze puzzle")) investigate($location[Sorceress' Hedge Maze],"item");
else bad_exit_print("I'm not going in that maze! It's creepy!");
good_exit_print("Done with the hedge maze!");
The two location_available() checks the hedgemaze() status to see if it's still open.
Edit: went to load mafia and found this debug log. Didn't even know one got printed out. Log attached.


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