question regarding Old script


I made this a long time ago and was wondering if it would still be usable... I dont know how much has changed in the 2-3 years.

void shop()

  if (have_bartender() == false){
    print("You need a new bartender");
    buy(1, $item[bartender-in-the-box] );
    use(1, $item[bartender-in-the-box] );

  else if(have_bartender() == true){
    print("You have a Bartender");


void spleen()
  if(my_spleen_use() != 15){
  while ( item_amount( $item[twinkly wad] ) < 15 )
 buy(15, $item[twinkly wad] );
  use(15, $item[twinkly wad]);


void eatstuff()

  if(my_fullness() == 0){
  while ( item_amount( $item[stinky hi mein] ) < 3 )
  buy(3, $item[stinky hi mein] );
   eat(3, $item[stinky hi mein]);


void drinkstuff()

 if(my_inebriety() == 0){
  while ( item_amount( $item[milk of magnesium] ) < 1 )
     buy(1, $item[milk of magnesium] );
     use(1, $item[milk of magnesium]);
     while ( item_amount( $item[lime] ) < 4 )
     buy(4, $item[lime] );
     while ( item_amount( $item[grog] ) < 4 )
     buy(4, $item[grog] );
     while ( item_amount( $item[Ram's Face Lager] ) < 1 )
     buy(1, $item[Ram's Face Lager] );
     create(1, $item[grogtini]);
     drink(1, $item[grogtini]);
     create(1, $item[grogtini]);
     drink(1, $item[grogtini]);
     create(1, $item[grogtini]);
     drink(1, $item[grogtini]);
     create(1, $item[grogtini]);
     drink(1, $item[Ram's Face Lager]);



void farming()
  if(my_inebriety() > 19){


  while ( item_amount( $item[soft green echo eyedrop antidote] ) < 10 )
 buy(3, $item[soft green echo eyedrop antidote] );

  while ( item_amount( $item[scroll of drastic healing] ) < 10 )
 buy(3, $item[scroll of drastic healing] );

  equip ($slot[weapon], $item[meatspout staff]);

  adventure(my_adventures(), $location[Giant's castle] );

  equip ($slot[weapon], $item[sword behind inappropriate prepositions]);

  drink(1, $item[grogtini]);


void sellstuff()

  use( item_amount( $item[Warm Subject gift certificate]), $item[Warm Subject gift certificate]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[Angry Farmer Candy])), $item[Angry Farmer Candy]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[awful poetry journal])), $item[awful poetry journal]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[rave whistle])), $item[rave whistle]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[chaos butterfly])), $item[chaos butterfly]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[disturbing fanfic])), $item[disturbing fanfic]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[furry fur])), $item[furry fur]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[giant needle])), $item[giant needle]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[heavy D])), $item[heavy D]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub])), $item[Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[original G])), $item[original G]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[plot hole])), $item[plot hole]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[probability potion])), $item[probability potion]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[procrastination potion])), $item[procrastination potion]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[thin black candle])), $item[thin black candle]);

  autosell( ( item_amount( $item[wolf mask])), $item[wolf mask]);


void main()

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The best way to tell if a script has problems is to use the verify command in the CLI

verify scriptname


Yes but there have been improvements and better drinks and all of that made that why I was curious about I've been looking in the scripts thing but I like the plain and simple stuff.


The most important improvement is the use of the maximize command. For instance, that script simply uses equip ($slot[weapon], $item[sword behind inappropriate prepositions]); and that was fine when it was the only rollover equipment in the game other than the time swords. Now though there is a ton of stuff that adds rollover adventures. It is listed HERE. You can have mafia automatically switch into whatever is optimal for maximizing adventures (taking into consideration the phases of the moons) using the command maximize("adv", false);

Similarly you can maximize for item drops: maximize("Items", false);


O Ok so you no longer need to have figured out what the best was for Item gathering and stuff like that.. Thank you.. is Grogtinis and Twinkly Wads and Hi Meins still the best food? I also heard that there are potions and stuff as well ( Im going through KOL Wiki as much as I can but its faster to find the direct answers when I can ask someone in a forum ).


To be honest I hardly notice what food or drink is most price effective since I use EatDrink for my aftercore consumption. It does the job with reasonable concern for current market fluctuations on adventure production and I'm happy not worrying about it. If I wanted more control over my diet I would check Eleron's optimal diet page which gives options to customize your diet by price, steel organ and gear.

Oh yeah, one thing you might not swiftly understand about recommended diets is that potion of the field gar increases the adventure yields from lasagnas by 5 unless it is Monday in Arizona.

Another source of adventures is chocolate. Characters have a separate stomach for chocolate. Each successive chocolate (in a single day) increases adventure gain less than the previous.
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Ok thank you very much and yeah everything works now except I had to manually buy a cocktail crafting kit.