Feature PULL should attempt to acquire from mall if absent from Hagnks


Since buying from the mall while in ronin puts the acquisition in Hangks, it is mostly unnecessary to stock Hangks before ascension. Sometimes I ascend softcore so I've noticed that I frequently have to check to see if an item is in Hanks, then buy it item from the mall if not, and then pull it from Hanks. Three separate actions needed to complete a single procedure.

If acquire was a standard part of "pull" then it would save the user several steps. An extra bonus is that it would automatically obey the autoBuyPriceLimit.


Staff member
I was about to post how I probably wouldn't like that, but I have mall purchases turned off, so I expect nothing would change for me.

That's if I used the pull command in the first place, but I don't trust myself to not mistype things, so I use the Storage section in the Item Manager instead, which lets me see the result from my partial name before actually pulling it. So I guess I wouldn't be against this change, but I wouldn't benefit from it even if I used the CLI and allowed mall purchases.


Active member
I would prefer it not... if I told it to pull an expensive item that I had on a different character and forgot, I wouldn't like it to buy that item contravening my orders, even if I did have the autoBuyPriceLimit turned way too high. Pull should just pull the items you have. Might I suggest something like:
alias buypull => ash item topull = to_item("%%"); if (storage_amount(topull)) < 1) buy(1, topull, get_preference("autoBuyPriceLimit").to_int()); pull(1, topull);
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Active member
If you set your price limit to 50M meat (or an otherwise too hgh value), forgot which char you were on and typed "equip pantsgiving" into the CLI, you'd have the same problem.

For what it's worth, I think this would be a brilliant feature.


Active member
Auto-Buy in Ronin

If I want to pull an item in Ronin, and don't have any, Mafia (not unreasonably) fails to do so, saying I don't have any in hagnk.

However, it would be useful if mafia could buy that item, put it in Hagnks and THEN pull it (subject to the usual limits on autoBuyPriceLimit).

Would this be possible?


Threads merged! Since you last posted on the subject I have slightly improved Theraze's alias to account for remaining pulls.

alias buypull => ash item topull = to_item("%%"); if(pulls_remaining() > 0) {if(storage_amount(topull) < 1) buy(1, topull, get_property("autoBuyPriceLimit").to_int()); take_storage(1, topull);} else print("No pulls remaining for today.", "red");

Just use the buypull command like I do and you won't even notice that mafia lacks this functionality.
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