Bug - Fixed Problem buying Coffee Pixie Sticks


Been getting an odd issue recently buying Coffee Pixie Sticks.

From item manager, it correctly displays that I can consume sticks, based on my current spleen and game grid tickets. If I click on consume, however, it fails to buy (but does decrement how many tickets it thinks it has used). CLI shows :

Verifying ingredients for coffee pixie stick (2)...
Purchasing coffee pixie stick (2 @ 10 tickets)...
Visiting the Arcade Ticket Counter...
Arcade Ticket Counter successfully looted!
Creation failed, no results detected.

From the coin masters, it says it works, and decrements tickets, but doesn't actually get anything. CLI shows :

Visiting the Arcade Ticket Counter...
Arcade Ticket Counter successfully looted!

Manually using relay browser works (and resets ticket numbers to the correct amount). CLI shows :

You acquire coffee pixie stick (2)

Oddly, once I've visited it manually in the relay browser, the other methods work fine :

Visiting the Arcade Ticket Counter...
You acquire an item: coffee pixie stick
Arcade Ticket Counter successfully looted!
I saw this bug in 11435 while trying to get some coffee pixie sticks using CLI. It happens every time when I try to get my coffee pixie sticks for the first time in new ascension using CLI without visiting game grid arcade/ticket redemption counter before doing this.
Workaround for me: visit arcade and get your coffee pixie sticks manually. Then this issue won't happen until you ascend.



Staff member
The arcade counter isn't available until you visit the wrong side of the tracks with a ticket or token and see it there. Mafia should probably have a property to know if it's unlocked and know to unlock it once per ascension.


Mafia should probably have a property to know if it's unlocked and know to unlock it once per ascension.

Mafia does have such a property.

boolean arcade_available = get_property("lastArcadeAscension").to_int() == my_ascensions();

Perhaps mafia should check that property before trying to purchase from the arcade.


I see extant code for doing this whenever you acquire a token (or ticket).

        case ItemPool.GG_TOKEN:
            if ( combatResults )
                Preferences.increment( "_tokenDrops", 1 );
            // Fall through
        case ItemPool.GG_TICKET:
            // If this is the first token or ticket we've gotten
            // this ascension, visit the wrong side of the tracks
            // to unlock the arcade.
            if ( Preferences.getInteger( "lastArcadeAscension" ) < KoLCharacter.getAscensions() )
                Preferences.setInteger( "lastArcadeAscension", KoLCharacter.getAscensions() );
                RequestThread.postRequest( new GenericRequest( "town_wrong.php" ) );

Is visiting town_wrong.php sufficient to permanently unlock it, or do you also need to visit arcade.php?


That doesn't include, I suspect, acquiring it through pulling from Hangk's, which is where I normally have tokens or tickets from to unlock the arcade after ascending.

Certainly it didn't work after ascending til I'd visited manually in 11617.