Feature - Implemented Please add a monster: Wu Tang the Betrayer


Wu Tang the Betrayer is completely missing from KoLmafia. It seems that Fistcore was not as fully implemented as we had believed.

He almost certainly has 500 HP, but the rest of his stats are poorly spaded.

Attack is probably about 145 which would make Defense 145 * .9 = 130. Leave those off if you think that poorly spaded is worse than nothing.

You acquire an item: forged identification documents (100% chance)*
You acquire an item: can of black paint (100% chance)*
You acquire an item: black cherry soda (??% chance)*
You acquire an item: black cherry soda (??% chance)*
You acquire an item: black cherry soda (??% chance)


You listed him with 150 HP? He's got 500. That's the only stat I'm positive about.

Thanks for adding him though.


If someone does a softcore fist run again we could check him with the dwarvish war uniform hat and pants, I think you can get that quest right?
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