New Content - Implemented Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalog


Unknown item found: Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalog (5879, 127406602)
5879 Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalog 127406602 teethcatalog.gif usable t 0
# Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalog
You acquire an item: Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalog

Unknown item found: packet of dragon's teeth (5880, 593373158)
5880 packet of dragon's teeth 593373158 teethpacket.gif usable 0
# packet of dragon's teeth

Harvesting your garden

Unknown item found: skeleton (5881, 991177466)
5881 skeleton 991177466 skeleton.gif usable t,d 5 skeletons
# skeleton

... oh yay fun new shit 8^)


Clip Art is unusable for the same paths as the He-Boulder, plus the He-Boulder was also unusable for Bees and Trendy, so I really wouldn't blame the lack of a He-Boulder which actually wasn't allowed to be used for as many paths as Clip Art.

Back to topic: Can anyone list the many and varied things you can do with home grown skeletons?


Staff member
11523 added some items, and updated the ascension reminder to account for the new packet. There are 5 days of "normal" campground images for this packet, and possibly something special after that, so it will take a little while to complete.


Active member
I have noticed that I can go to the "mixable" tab on the item manager and create crystal skeleton vodka, but it never actually shows up in the "booze" tab. I have to go to the relay browser to actually drink it after creating it. Also ... this is the effect info for the effect that the booze gives (20 advs):

1127 Aykrophobia crystalskull.gif 93aa0fce5154508eca3a0bf4ab2c4e16
Aykrophobia Item Drop: +25, Spooky Damage: +20, Monster Level: +15


Staff member
It needs to be added to inebriety.txt - after there is reasonable consumption data. Actually it could be added with no consumption data, but it will sort to the bottom of the list.


Active member
You could go through your logs I guess to see what you got from it couldn't you?

Apparently I've drank 4 of them, so far.

drink 1 crystal skeleton vodka
You gain 18 Adventures
You gain 28 Strongness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 34 Wizardliness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 23 Sarcasm
You gain a Moxie point!
You acquire an effect: Aykrophobia (duration: 20 Adventures)
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze

drink 1 crystal skeleton vodka
You gain 20 Adventures
You gain 18 Strengthliness
You gain 18 Mysteriousness
You gain 27 Sarcasm
You acquire an effect: Aykrophobia (duration: 20 Adventures)
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze

drink 1 crystal skeleton vodka
You gain 18 Adventures
You gain 27 Muscleboundness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 17 Mysteriousness
You gain 25 Sarcasm
You gain a Moxie point!
You acquire an effect: Aykrophobia (duration: 20 Adventures)
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze

drink 1 crystal skeleton vodka
You gain 18 Adventures
You gain 17 Fortitude
You gain 23 Wizardliness
You gain 25 Chutzpah
You acquire an effect: Aykrophobia (duration: 20 Adventures)
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze


Staff member
The day 6 reward from the campground is a combat rather than an item (it drops some skeletons and maybe a familiar hatchling). I can't imagine people wanting mafia to auto-pick that if they don't log in for a week, especially with the claim of it being a 400 ML monster (posted stat gains make it look non-trivial). Maybe it could be set to -1 skeletons so that scripts can recognize its presence and mafia will never auto-pick it.


Active member
crystal skeleton vodka - data #5

drink 1 crystal skeleton vodka
You gain 20 Adventures
You gain 22 Beefiness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 21 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 15 Cheek
You gain a Moxie point!
You acquire an effect: Aykrophobia (duration: 20 Adventures)
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze


Active member
#6 as SR, wallaby

drink 1 crystal skeleton vodka
You gain 18 Adventures
You gain 18 Beefiness
You gain 27 Wizardliness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 25 Smarm
You acquire an effect: Aykrophobia (duration: 20 Adventures)
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze


Active member
#7 sauceror, wallaby
drink 1 crystal skeleton vodka
You gain 18 Adventures
You gain 26 Beefiness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 21 Mysteriousness
You gain 24 Chutzpah
You acquire an effect: Aykrophobia (duration: 20 Adventures)
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
1127 Aykrophobia crystalskull.gif 93aa0fce5154508eca3a0bf4ab2c4e16
Aykrophobia Item Drop: +25, Spooky Damage: +20, Monster Level: +15


Active member
#8 sauceror, wallaby

drink 1 crystal skeleton vodka
You gain 20 Adventures
You gain 18 Fortitude
You gain 27 Mysteriousness
You gain 20 Roguishness
You acquire an effect: Aykrophobia (duration: 20 Adventures)
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
1127 Aykrophobia crystalskull.gif 93aa0fce5154508eca3a0bf4ab2c4e16
Aykrophobia Item Drop: +25, Spooky Damage: +20, Monster Level: +15


drink 1 crystal skeleton vodka
You gain 16 Adventures
You gain 32 Fortitude
You gain 28 Wizardliness
You gain 20 Chutzpah
You acquire an effect: Aykrophobia (duration: 20 Adventures)
You gain 3 Drunkenness
1127 Aykrophobia crystalskull.gif 93aa0fce5154508eca3a0bf4ab2c4e16
Aykrophobia Item Drop: +25, Spooky Damage: +20, Monster Level: +15

I hope we can add this. Stats seem pretty sure at:
adv 15-17
mus 15-35
mys 15-35
mox 15-35
Last edited:


Staff member
Added the booze, and added the food with no consumption data.

Using a single skeleton for an effect needs some support. Since they can be multi-used, using just 1 leads to an error message. I haven't seen a good way to prevent that yet without removing the check completely. Maybe the simple approach of matching some part of the message from that specific result is the way to go.