Parsing incoming kmails


I'd like to write a script that replies to kmails that contain a particular item with a stock reply. Exceptionally clever readers might even figure out why I want this. Zarqon's kmail library is great for sending kmails, and I looked at using registry.ash to see if I could use that for parsing incoming mails, but I don't see that it breaks out attachments. Anyone have a code snippet that will parse incoming kmails including attachments? TIA!


nevermind. wish I could delete this. I missed that you'd already looked at registry.


Registry.ash is good for parsing strings in the HTML, but not for saying "is there an actual item attached" AFAIK. But thanks for the thought. :)


I just took a look at the html of a message in my inbox where I am being sent an item and I see no reason that registry.ash won't work as a good base for this problem with a bit of modification. You just need to change the matching expression. Here's a message in my inbox that has a package attached:

<tr><td valign=top><input type=checkbox name="sel91112107"></td><td class=small><b>From</b> <a href="showplayer.php?who=6666666">Name deleted to protect privacy</a> (#7777777) [<a href="sendmessage.php?toid=1826144">reply</a>] [<a href="sendmessage.php?toid=1826144&quoteid=91112107&box=Inbox">quoted</a>]<br><b>Date:</b> Friday, July 31, 2009, 08:46PM</b><!--07/31/09 20:46:46--><br><blockquote>Hey Bale - I meant to sent you this stuffed Hodgman when it dropped, but I was just going through my inventory and noticed I still had it.<br><br>Take care.<center><table><tr><td><img src="" alt="plain brown wrapper" title="plain brown wrapper" class=hand onClick='descitem(546961999)'></td><td valign=center class=effect>You acquire an item: <b>plain brown wrapper</b></td></tr></table></center></blockquote></td></tr>

Note that it has all the information about an item being sent. I recommend that you send a Mr. A to yourself and see exactly what the html displays so that you can search for that text in a message. Sorry that I didn't have any actual items sent to my inbox, just various packages since I'm often in hardcore.
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The problem is you can't just match text on the page, or it will incorrectly match a message where the body text is <img src="" alt="plain brown wrapper" title="plain brown wrapper" class=hand onClick='descitem(546961999)'></td><td valign=center class=effect>You acquire an item: <b>plain brown wrapper</b>.


Active member
a) Nobody's ever going to send that message, so I think you could safely set up the regex :p
b) You can't use HTML in messages. So the < would be <, etc.


Hey Guys
Is there a way for ash to know the moment you receive a new Kmail?
I want the ability to auto-respond to kmails as they come in without having to parse the kmail page every 1, 5, 10 or so minutes.

Also, I am trying to build a kmail forwarding function and I have the meat and potatoes done but I am having trouble making the forwarded Kmail's readable. Do you guys know any trick on how to format a <blockquote> one kmail, line break, another kmail </blockquote>? HTML <br/> does not work nor does /n for line breaks.
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